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I can assure you that abstinence is 100% effective. If followed properly.

I can also attest to birth control not always working. LOL. If you read the 'expecting' thread in STB, you'll notice that my wife is now expecting, and we used birth control. ( Damn Condom! )

It is sad that they have to teach sex ed in school. In my day (damn I sound like a grumpy old man) the parents were expected to tackle that chore.

I guess there are a lot of people that can't be troubled with raising their kids any more.

I guess there are a lot of people that can't be troubled with raising their kids any more.
I'd give that a prize for understatement of the year.

It is sad that they have to teach sex ed in school. In my day (damn I sound like a grumpy old man) the parents were expected to tackle that chore.
I was suprised when I found out schools around here didn't teach sex ed and parents were upset the school chose a new program that was aimed at 4th graders for puberty exlpanations.

When I was in elementary school, 4th grade was the start of the puberty talk boys and girls were separated, then 5th grade they did it again as a group so we could understand the changes of the other gender. Each year there was a field trip to a hospital/facilty of sorts that catered to explaining the facts of life with videos and they even had diaramas of the different stages of pregnancy and lots of other stuff. Then in high school health class we got the whole sex thing both sides. Abstenance is best, but if you are going to choose to have sex her are some options to help keep you safe so to speak.

Abstenance is best, but if you are going to choose to have sex her are some options to help keep you safe so to speak.
That's my opinion on the matter as well. Abstinence sounds great until those hormones kick in.

I guess there are a lot of people that can't be troubled with raising their kids any more.
I'm with MA on this one. Why spend time with them when they have a playstation to cover that.

Here's an interesting and pseudo-scientific look at the campaign trail. Can you actually drop a running mate after the nomination? Other than egg on your face, what are the ramifications? It's kind of a strange notion.

Sept. 2 (Bloomberg) -- The smart money thinks there's a better chance today than yesterday that John McCain will dump Sarah Palin as his running mate.
Before the Republican senator's presidential campaign disclosed the pregnancy of Palin's 17-year-old daughter, bookmakers in Britain and Ireland were offering 20-1 odds or higher on a bet that she would be forced off the ticket, meaning a 1 pound ($1.78) bet would pay 20 pounds. Now that same bet will pay no more than 8 pounds.

``While it is rare that a VP candidate gets dropped, it's not completely impossible,'' said Ken Robertson, political betting analyst at Paddy Power Plc, a Dublin-based gambling company. ``Lots of our punters are betting `Shocking' Sarah's days are numbered,'' he added, using a nickname he came up with for the first-term Alaska governor.

The odds, based on wagers made online with Paddy Power and William Hill Plc and in their betting shops, also suggest that McCain is less likely to win the White House because of his vice-presidential running-mate choice, announced Aug. 29. Both gambling houses, along with rival Ladbrokes Plc, place Democrat Barack Obama, 47, as the favorite to triumph in the contest.

``Ever since he appointed her, people have stopped betting on McCain,'' said David Williams of Ladbrokes in London. ``He went down like a sack of potatoes as far as the punters are concerned.''

Odds for Palin

Today, William Hill cut the odds that Palin, 44, would be sacked to 8-1 from 20-1. Paddy Power now puts the odds of Palin leaving the ticket at 14-1, compared to 28-1 before yesterday's disclosure about Bristol Palin, the daughter. The Paddy Power betting house is also offering 33-1 odds that she will go by the end of this week. Ladbrokes is offering 10-1 odds that Palin will quit the race.

Intrade, a Dublin-based peer-to-peer betting Web site, opened a contract on Palin to be withdrawn as the Republican vice presidential nominee. The latest price was 12 cents, up 9 cents today. Each contract at that price will pay 88 cents per contract if Palin leaves the ticket.

Political betting on financial markets outperforms polling as an elections predictor, according to a University of North Carolina study and figures from the Iowa Electronic Markets. Only twice in the century through 2004 -- the 1916 election and the 2000 contest between Bush and Democrat Al Gore -- did the betting markets get it wrong on the popular vote.

Eagleton's Demise

The last time a vice presidential candidate was dropped from the ticket was in 1972, when George McGovern's pick for the job, Tom Eagleton, left the Democratic campaign after disclosures he had undergone treatment for depression. McGovern went on to lose the election to Republican Richard Nixon.

``It would be disastrous for his campaign were McCain to sack Palin, but it is not impossible that she could stand down should party chiefs feel that she is too controversial a choice who might end up costing McCain votes,'' said William Hill spokesman Graham Sharpe.

The betting houses also say punters are shifting toward an eventual Obama victory in November. Paddy Power said Obama is now favored 4-9 compared with 1-2 before the Palin appointment. William Hill said Obama's odds shifted last week to 4-9, where they now remain, from 4-11 on Aug. 21 and 2-5 before that.

Ladbrokes also puts Obama as the 4-9 favorite.

Odds on victory for McCain, who is 72, are 13-8, according to both Paddy Power and William Hill. Ladbrokes gives McCain a slightly better chance of winning, offering 6 pounds for every four bet on that outcome.

McCain advisers Stephen Schmidt and Mark Salter told reporters in St. Paul, Minnesota, yesterday that the campaign learned of Bristol's pregnancy when the mother was vetted.

Obama, campaigning in Monroe, Michigan, said yesterday Palin's children should be ``off limits'' and cited his own mother, who gave birth to Obama when she was 18. Obama named Senator Joe Biden as his running mate last month.
Holy crap, you want to talk about a lack of parenting, I'm not sure what's worse, teen pregnancy or the fact that people are betting on whether or not a VP candidate will be dropped as a running mate

What the hell is wrong with these people?

How bizarre that a teenager would screw up and get pregnant. Even more bizarre that she would be the daughter of a VP candidate.


Next thing your going to be telling me is that a married sitting President was fooling around with a girl that was just out of her teenage years. Or that a former VP from Tennesse had a son who got multiple DUIs. Or that a Kennedy did something naughty.

All of this stuff (on both sides) is a bunch of nonsense as far as I'm concerned. I'm glad the media is focusing on important stuff as usual. If anything I would be worried about Palin's experience, or maybe whether she did something crooked in that "Troopergate" thing. But as the father of a teenager I can attest to the fact that they don't always do what you say or teach.

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As the new father of a little girl, I don't like the sound of this conversation...

As the new father of a little girl, I don't like the sound of this conversation...
Haven't you heard the saying that having daughters is God's punishment for a man's behavior during his youth? :D

My father's tactic was to meet my dates at the door, and tell them all about my Uncles Smith and Wesson.

As a former teenage girl, I would say love your daughter until about age 12, when she will turn into evil in cute jeans. She'll be ready to love again at about 21.

Katie: I'm liking that tactic with dates, but as I don't own a gun, I think I'll go with the Bill Engvall tactic of telling the date, in a voice just loud enough for him to hear 'I'm not afraid to go to jail again.'

csb: Thanks for the warning! BTW, Shouldn't we be studying?

this thread has so drifted...

1. Yes, we should be studying! I'm going to the library tonight with my trusty 6-minute solutions for Water...yay!

2. One of the most embarrassing moments of my teenage years involved my mom saying to my date as we were heading out the door, "And hey, keep your penis out of my daughter."
