--**-- Hangover Clinic --**--

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Can I please have my line back today, as it applies to me right now?

I drank six of those Steel Reserve 22 ounce cans. I think that crap is one step above rat poison though.

But it did make the packing go smoother.


Not again.

Saw Dream Theater last night at the Tabernacle. They were awesome. I am not.

seems it would be more appropriate here (thank you for providing the direction to a newbe)

"very thirsty this morning, learned one important lesson last night. Don't chug stawberry milk and try and eat a two inch pb sandwich when you are that drunk... had to change my clothes and the sheets before going to sleep cause have a pint of milk came out my nose when I gagged on the Penut butter. Well off to go the the company employee appreciation picnic nice and hung over."

Although I'm also gonna leave the post in the drunk tank because my headach appears to be dull for the reason that I think I was/am still drunk when I woke up this morning. The thought enforced by falling flat on my face twice so far trying to get moving this morning, and once into the wall.... Ahhh well

I thought fer sure that we'd see squishles10, pe make an appearance here today. Obviously she did not celebrate the way she should have. For shame!!!

^^^ You know .. you are right! That's almost as bad as a fake drunk tank post .... :rolleyes:


Sorry, I couldn't resist! I had to yank on your cord!!!! :p


JR - I see how you like to fight...low blows! :smileyballs: It's all good. And as far as yanking my cord, only Mrs. FLBuff has permission to do that! Keep your hands to Ms. Applebottoms!

EM - I think you may be right.

^^^I know exactly what you mean!

Speaking of which, the boss is on vacation starting today and all of next week... which means I am in charge!!!

$2 pints anyone???

I have a dinner/movie date tonight .. so I will be on the straight and narrow. Tomorrow night I am going out with a friend who will be leaving town soon. I suspect there will be a visit to the drunk tank ....


Jagermeister... that will be the death of me! I so want to get one of those three bottle dispensers they have in the bar. We figured we could kill it one night when we saw how low the level was in one bottle with two empties.... damn it, there is a whole bottle in reserve in the tank of the beast!

Ooohhh .. man ... words can't describe how bad I feel ... I haven't done a marathon drinkfest in a long, long time .... 4 PM to last call ... :wacko:

Not only does my whole body hurt ... so does my bar tab! D'Oh !!! :smileyballs: Add to that the drunk texts I sent last night .... Double D'Oh !! :brickwall:

