--**-- Hangover Clinic --**--

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I'm suprised nobody is in here after all the drinking that was going on last night. I actually felt pretty good this morning after my bottle of wine last night.

Ugghhh .. I spent the weekend in Panama City Beach. Between the sunburn, bill, and hangover ... I am feeling ... :hung-037:


I don't think I've ever felt so bad. I've never called in sick for being hungover but today was pretty close. I'm never drinking again. (this time I mean it)

I don't think I've ever felt so bad. I've never called in sick for being hungover but today was pretty close. I'm never drinking again. (this time I mean it)
Until tonight or whenver the mood hits again. I'm still feeling the effects a little this morning from Saturday night. Not as bad as y'all though. I would laugh but for now I pity.

I don't think I've ever felt so bad. I've never called in sick for being hungover but today was pretty close. I'm never drinking again. (this time I mean it)
Reminds me of college. Sunday morning, "Please, God. I'll never drink again."

Next Friday night, "Sorry, God. Glug-glug-glug."

Damn .. Am I the only one who went out drinking on a school night and missed an important meeting the next morning (today) ?? :wacko: D'Oh !!!! :smileyballs:


Ugh ... I am STILL recovering from Friday night. :wacko:

Pool, bowling, and Rock Band until 7 AM ... :woot:


Oh good grief .. how come I am the only one that seems to end up here!! :rolleyes:

Ugh .. apparently tequila and vodka don't mix very well .. I don't feel very well this morning! :wacko:


Whoops, I didn't realize there was a hangover thread. See my last post in the drunk tank. I'm right there with you Wolverine. However, I stopped at 1:00 AM so your hangover is probably 2 or 3 hours behind mine. Just had some Tang so I ought to be moving about here in the next hour.
