--**-- Hangover Clinic --**--

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had a lingering splitting headache since 7 AM when I had to get up, last night we decided just drink some cheap straight rum, with some mangos we blended for taste, man that was a bad idea come to think of it today....

^^^ Yeah, I ended up doing tequila shots straight-up - no lime, no chasers. It seemed like a good idea when I was trying to impress ladies who were already pretty toasted. But yeah, the following morning was ... WTF did I do to myself ??!!! :Locolaugh:

Ugh .. at least I am alive enough to go to work today. :)


Mr. Kevo got a little tipsey last night.

I think I'll be taking it easy today.

Is it a bad sign when all you had planned for the day was brewing a batch of beer...but you are too hungover to do it?

^^^ It's self-regulating, like a negative feedback loop. The more you drink, the less you can brew-->less to to drink with more time to brew --> more to drink, etc. Can you calculate the transfer function of that loop?

^^^ It's self-regulating, like a negative feedback loop. The more you drink, the less you can brew-->less to to drink with more time to brew --> more to drink, etc. Can you calculate the transfer function of that loop?
No, I suck at control systems...plus, I try not to engineer while hungover.

How about Benbo, isn't he our controls guy? I imagine if you get the right constants in your feedback loop you can achieve an equilibrium--not too hung over to brew, always enough beer to drink & just the right amount of buzz without going over the edge.

^^^ Yuck. Hope you feel better.

I had 2-for-1 margaritas at happy hour and ended up bailing just before midnight when my friend had someone show up to meet him without her friend.

No hangover, headache, or sick stomach! :woot:



And I have an all-day meeting in three minutes. Ugh.

And I have an all-day meeting in three minutes. Ugh.
just like college, wear sunglasses and sit in the back.

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Take a trash can in case you need to VTA (Vent To Atmosphere).
I had to leave a seminar to puke a few months back. We were all really hungover from the night before. The room was too hot and stuffy and I just couldn't make it.

Reserve a spot here for me tomorrow morning. A bunch of us are off to the pub later to celebrate my wife and some of her lab mates thesis defenses. This place brews all their beer on site, and every one is really good. I didn't accomplish anything, but I'll still get hammered.

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^ Well I was going to take her out to lunch, but she just called to blow me off! Something about going to lunch with her thesis committee or something like that.

This is my thanks for taking care of everything at home for the past 3 years, looking the other way when she worked 80 hour weeks, tagging along late at night when she needed to do something at the lab!

I'll save the $10 I was gonna spend on her for lunch and turn it into 5 $2 pints. :bananalama: A boozy afternoon would do me good.
