--**-- Hangover Clinic --**--

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I think I need an attitude adjustment. I keep getting mad and then drunk. Or irritated and drunk. Right now I'm really pissed and sober, which makes me mad that I can't be drunk.

maybe you need to show bf this?

^ Green is by far my favorite color. You know I don't usually think much of the person (stereotypically the girl) who puts their foot down and demands a committment like that. But in your case, given the amount of time that's gone by and the fact that you're not kids anymore I'm making an exception.

^ Green is by far my favorite color. You know I don't usually think much of the person (stereotypically the girl) who puts their foot down and demands a committment like that. But in your case, given the amount of time that's gone by and the fact that you're not kids anymore I'm making an exception.
Aww, thanks VT! I hate that it's come to this, which is why I'm seriously wondering what the hell I'm doing. It shouldn't be this hard. He says it's because we live in different cities but we always have so I'm tired of that excuse. And every other excuse I get. I can find someone else, and I think he needs to clue in on that idea.

^^^There is always your new pal, frecoder!
This is true there is always your pal frecoder. Although we do live in different cities. Don't wanna put the lovely squishles through the same thing she's going through right now. Plus she's taking the PE in April! What a mind job!

It's a bad sign when water works better than coffee. :-( Already through 4 cups, about to get another refill. I can't wait to get some caffeine later! Margaritas and beer are not a great combination- I hate succumbing to peer pressure.

It's a bad sign when water works better than coffee. :-( Already through 4 cups, about to get another refill. I can't wait to get some caffeine later! Margaritas and beer are not a great combination- I hate succumbing to peer pressure.
I don't like caffeine to start with, but that's the last thing I want when I'm hungover. Diluted Gatorade is my pick of choice.

Me not happy today. Too much sauce at Easter dinner. Breakfast this morning helped, but a crying baby was no good!

I broke out the decanter full of Appleton Estate Jamaican rum over the weekend. Damn that stuff is smooth and warm. Glad I ran out of coke or I woulda been in FLBuff's shoes.

it was bad. I'll leave it at that. Second time a beef burrito has left me there. That is the last one I eat that I haven't made!

I just finally crawled home from my friend's house last night ... Way too much to drink :wacko:

I am just hoping there aren't any pictures! :oops:

