--**-- Hangover Clinic --**--

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Drinking a lot of water before you go to bed helps too. However, there is a greater risk of a drunken 'accident', so be advised.
Umm .. I dunno.

If she has one of those 'accidents' we would have to start calling her puddles instead of squishles. :eek:hmy:

It just doen't have the same ring.


^^^You also don't sleep too well since you are up every hour or two to use the bathroom. Granted, I drink a lot of water before and after I do my serious drinking.

I used to be a greasy breakfast person, but have rcently switched to a breakfast of plain oatmeal mixed with peanut butter. Apparently the protien from the peanut butter helps the hangover, and the oatmeal is a good delivery device? I read it in a magazine, thought it sounded reasonable, and tried it. It does OK, but I try not to overdo it with consumption. That is my #1 remedy. :p

^^ that's like my wife putting peanut butter on her pancakes. With syrup. :screwloose:

^^ that's like my wife putting peanut butter on her pancakes. With syrup. :screwloose:
Don't knock it till you try it. Here's a thought...VTE, did you have a hangover after the scotch-ramen incident, or when it emptied all the contents of your stomach, did it carry most of the alcohol with it? Would you recommend this as a hangover remedy?

I feel fine!

It is like Groundhog Day... whether I go to bed at 9 or 12, drunk or sober... I wake up and feel fine every day at 5:30!

Oh yeah, and the fact that for the first time, the twins slept through the night (fed them at 9:15PM and again at 5:15AM)!

I think most of my problem is I woke up around four and couldn't go back to sleep. Five hours just doesn't get it for me.

I think I need an attitude adjustment. I keep getting mad and then drunk. Or irritated and drunk. Right now I'm really pissed and sober, which makes me mad that I can't be drunk.

I think I need an attitude adjustment. I keep getting mad and then drunk. Or irritated and drunk.
I agree. You need to condition yourself to want to get drunk when you feel other emotions too. Silly and drunk, bashful and drunk, anxious and drunk, etc.
