--**-- Hangover Clinic --**--

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Sadly, I've quit drinking again. I wonder how long that will last.

I shed weight like crazy last time I quit.

I would LOVE to go home and have a couple glasses of wine tonight, but my daughter got busted over the weekend (alcohol use - underage). SOOOO, I guess I have to be a good example and not act like I need to get drunk.

I'm taking a six pack with me to the PE. I figure by 3 pm I could get going and still be AIGHT for the rest of the day, yeah? I'm about to have to jump to the drunk tank, my job is so great sometimes!!!

coffee will only make it worse. I recommend aspirin and water.

Alternatively you could go for the breakfast of champions ---> a triple shot of JD and a half dozen Budweisers

If this shitty report wasn't due yesterday I'd totally go for it. Plus we have a liberal sick leave policy, but since I plan on being at the Flying Saucer tonight, I think the coworkers might catch on that I wasn't all that sick. :-(

^^^ Have you tried Gatorade or in the alternative (less calories, less salt) that new G2 drink?


I've tried gatorade before- it works well, but I think it's just the salt. I can go raid the popcorn machine if that's what I need. Hmmm... popcorn sounds good!!!

A "friend" told me that drinking a beer will take the hangover away.:dunno:
Yea, b/c you don't notice the headache when your drunk again.

Gatorade is a good bet. It will rehydrate you, which is half the battle. Water is good too. Sleep is the best remedy though. So practice sleeping at your desk but looking like you are still working. ;)

A "friend" told me that drinking a beer will take the hangover away.:dunno:
I had a 'friend', probably not the same one, tell me the same thing.

Drinking a lot of water before you go to bed helps too. However, there is a greater risk of a drunken 'accident', so be advised.
