--**-- Hangover Clinic --**--

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I wonder when Squishles will show up in here...
yeah, that was a classic drunk post..... :wacko:

I think that's a pretty good idea, but I would think the truly worthy hall of shame moments would never be revealed.

I just got to work. My goal is to get to 3. I need to check my dialed calls and my outbox. I vaguely remember falling asleep to Mike Rowe making wine. :signs051:

I discovered chocolate martinis last night! So yummy! But now I have a splitting headache.

I bet there's quite a few people in the general board that would be in here today if they had enough posts.

^ We had an open house here last night. Weather scared most people off.

We have several bottles of wine and 12 packs that need attention. Swing by at lunchtime! The good stuff is alrady flowing here today.

Me and Sapper must be the only stone sober engineers on the board during this end-of the-waiting and holiday season. :bawling:

I am okay being designated driver this year ... :)


I just got back from breakfast at Lou's. I'm feeling a bit better. This afternoon we're headed to CT for Christmas with the in-laws. Otherwise I'd be camped out at your office VT!! :D

I took friends and family out to eat for dinner last night as part of a lead-in to the holidays. Afterwards they wanted to go the bar for Scar-E-O-KE. :eek:hmy:

I don't know exactly what we were drinking last night, but I appear to be the only person standing (besides my wife) this morning, er I mean this afternoon. And even the mere act of picking myself out of bed is taking A LOT of effort! :eek:hmy:

I think I am going to go find a place to hide before things pick up around here ...


I had a Bloody Mary and four beers (five?) watching the game this morning at a nearby bar. Not enough to be "drunk" but enough to make me feel like I should not have come in to work afterward. Just drinkin' water and hopin' I don't puke on the afternoon run I promised my wife.

Ahh this is where I belong- the land of bottled water and advil. Thanks for having me- you'll notice I was way too gone to even make it to the drunk tank yesterday, my apologies. I'll see if I can do better tonight, as I have 9 hours of structural review tomorrow.
