Taking suggestions
another vote for ella rosalie here, but you can always wait to see what she looks like before settling on one.Oh, and I love the name Olivia, but Ella Rosalie is very pretty together.
another vote for ella rosalie here, but you can always wait to see what she looks like before settling on one.Oh, and I love the name Olivia, but Ella Rosalie is very pretty together.
That's one thing good about knowing what you are having you can give him or her a name. I picked out our son's first name (Noah) and my husband picked the middle (Christian). I used to talk to him when I would drive to work, I am sure other drivers thought I was talking to myself. With this one we think we have a boy's name, but still undecided on any for girls. We'll know in June what it is. Also you should yell the names out a couple of times and see how it flows! You know your in trouble when your parents yell all three of your names.That's a good idea! We need to use the names we are contemplating to see what we think. I never thought of doing that!
I love the name Noah! That was my first choice. But my husband can't get on board with it because he had a bad student named Noah (he's a teacher) and can't get past it. So we are still deciding.That's one thing good about knowing what you are having you can give him or her a name. I picked out our son's first name (Noah) and my husband picked the middle (Christian). I used to talk to him when I would drive to work, I am sure other drivers thought I was talking to myself. With this one we think we have a boy's name, but still undecided on any for girls. We'll know in June what it is. Also you should yell the names out a couple of times and see how it flows! You know your in trouble when your parents yell all three of your names.That's a good idea! We need to use the names we are contemplating to see what we think. I never thought of doing that!
I love the name Noah! That was my first choice. But my husband can't get on board with it because he had a bad student named Noah (he's a teacher) and can't get past it. So we are still deciding.That's one thing good about knowing what you are having you can give him or her a name. I picked out our son's first name (Noah) and my husband picked the middle (Christian). I used to talk to him when I would drive to work, I am sure other drivers thought I was talking to myself. With this one we think we have a boy's name, but still undecided on any for girls. We'll know in June what it is. Also you should yell the names out a couple of times and see how it flows! You know your in trouble when your parents yell all three of your names.That's a good idea! We need to use the names we are contemplating to see what we think. I never thought of doing that!
Ryleigh for a girl
Ryleigh for a girl
Coincidentally, that's Junior's name, spelling and all.
Unfortunately she picked up a southern drawl, so it's "RAHLLY".
she is a lifelong southern IL resident.
she is a lifelong southern IL resident.
I wouldn't consider that a southern drawl/accent. I'd call that a southern IL drawl/accent.