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Well, I've been MIA for quite a while. Between work, grad school, and home life things have been a zoo. But it's for good reason - Mr. Bug and I are expecting our first baby in just a few months! August 11th, to be exact (I know kiddos rarely come on their due date). I'll be 29 weeks along tomorrow and time is really flying.

I spent most of my first trimester in a fog; between persistent severe nausea (requiring medication) and the fatigue I was like a zombie. I have no idea how I managed to work full time and go to school at night! Mr. Bug was a champ with household chores and cooking because I came home and fell asleep most nights. Then we started out the second trimester with a bang with what ended up as a false positive on my genetic screening test. Three worry-filled weeks and one successful amniocentesis later we were reassured that our baby's chromosomes were in the proper configuration. Things have gone very smoothly and without complications since then - although I had a borderline result on my gestational diabetes screening and now have to take the full 3-hour test.

We elected not to find out if "Marvin" is a boy or girl until delivery, even though the amnio could have told us. It was tempting, but we decided to have baby #1 be a surprise and we'll decide with future babies if we want to find out at the ultrasound or not. So far we're very content with the decision to wait until birth and we're setting up a very gender-neutral nursery.

I didn't tell my boss until I was about 15 weeks along, and I told my team at 17 weeks. In a real shocker, I was just promoted recently with a very generous raise. I had assumed that my promotion would be on hold this year ostensibly due to the economy, and that they wouldn't promote me until they knew I was coming back after the pregnancy, but they really surprised me with this. I've also been very pleasantly surprised by the reaction of my coworkers - I haven't been treated differently, although for the last month or so as the bump has expanded the guys tend to be pretty protective of me when it comes to carrying heavy things or working on my feet for a long period of time. I still go out to our test facility and in general do most of the hands-on stuff that I did prior to my pregnancy - thanks, EH&S manager!

I will be returning to work full time after about 12 weeks off. I'm taking a yearlong LOA from grad school which is OK since my company's recent changes to their tuition payment program would have forced me to spread my remaining coursework out anyways. This also means that my PE prep is going to be put on hold a little longer, but I still have 8+ years left on my EIT. When the time comes I'll just have to figure out how to study for that test with a toddler running around!

Welcome back, Katie! I was wondering where you were. Sorry that trimester #1 was so difficult. Congratulations!

Katiebug glad to hear things aer coming up roses for you. Enjoy carrying baby around inside cause once they break loose the fun really starts. Hope the rosy trend continues.

Congrats!!! And good for you for staying Team Green. You are stronger than I am! I am due exactly a month after you and I agree time is flying!

Wow Katie! Congrats! You're due three days before me! Hopefully you pass the 3hr glucose test. I also failed the 1hr glucose screening, so I get to go in tomorrow for the 3hr test.

Babies are wonderful gifts from God. But without careful rearing, and most importantly, careful naming, they can grow up to be real *********s.

Naming a boy something trendy or fancy sounding is a sure-fire recipe for a *********. Please, mothers and fathers, name your children only by the simplest names. John (always with an h). Mark. Steve. Harry. Sue. Tom.

Names to avoid: Jeremiah. Meriweather. Brandon. Caine (or Kane). Todd. etc.

Glad to be of service, and congratulations to all!

Names to avoid: Jeremiah. Meriweather. Brandon. Caine (or Kane). Todd. etc.
Reminds me of the George Carlin bit about names: (rough quote)

"Hey TODD, I'm Tucker"

"Hey Tucker, I'm TODD"

"I bet you 10 times out of 10 that Jimmie, Vinnie and Bill can kick the ass of Cody, Tucker and TODD!"

Congrats! I also muddled through full time work and grad school while puking up everything I ate. I'm also glad I had a husband who let me sleep! You will get back to grad school and finish with no problems and right now you're working on your biggest project ever...making a human!

Congrats katiebug! Good luck with the little one. The first is always exciting because of all the unknowns.

Babies are wonderful gifts from God. But without careful rearing, and most importantly, careful naming, they can grow up to be real *********s.
Naming a boy something trendy or fancy sounding is a sure-fire recipe for a *********. Please, mothers and fathers, name your children only by the simplest names. John (always with an h). Mark. Steve. Harry. Sue. Tom.

Names to avoid: Jeremiah. Meriweather. Brandon. Caine (or Kane). Todd. etc.

Glad to be of service, and congratulations to all!
You're still mad at your parents for naming you Meriweather, huh?

Here's one of the latest ultrasound pics... Mrs. OSU is checking her glucose 4 times a day now, so far she hasn't had any issues with number being out of range (under 100 fasting, under 120 2 hrs after each meal)... There has been a couple/few numbers in the low 120s but the Dr told us not to worry unless is was trending up... So far so good...

The baby's room should get painted this weekend... the closet has been stripped to bare walls and painted in prep for the new closet system going in.... I figured a 11' long bar, 6ft off the ground would be a pretty inefficient use of space for clothes that are only about 2ft long to begin with...

The carpet guy is coming tomorrow to measure the whole house (save the bathroom and kitchen and basement).... So hopefully we can get carpet down before min-OSU arrives


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That's awesome OSU! I remember one of the first ultrasounds we had, mini-ble was sucking his thumb. After he was born and given to my wife, he started sucking it again. The whole thing is amazing, enjoy it!

OSU, I thought the same thing about the inefficient use of closet space. We ended up going to BB&B and bought an "expander". It basically adds 1 or 2 more rods by hanging off the normal rod. Works really well for baby clothes and mini-mizzou is now into 2T and it all still fits in the openings.

I know it seems like "one more thing" but the aspect of not having to cut and install two more rods and then removing them 4 years down the road, patching the drywall, and repainting is worth it.

I figured a 11' long bar, 6ft off the ground would be a pretty inefficient
you aren't kidding.

1) I doubt you'd easily find stools that would work with that height and

2) if you did they'd be a PITA to try to get up on.

great picture. glad things are going as planned.

We just spent the ~$180 on a rubbermaid 6'-10' closet system... looks to be pretty flexible... but with my luck, they'll discontinue the "Home Free" series within a month and we won't be able to find any of the accessories
