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Another thought. For bottles when you go back to work, or for daddy feeding baby. We have used breastflow by first years since the begining and had no troubles. The only complaint I have is the oz markings on the bottle are not accurate. some bottles under estimate while others overestimate, even from the same package (job lot).

I want a daddy room at work. It would have a keg of beer and dads could go have a drink after work and relax a little before we go home. I wonder how that would go over with HR?

You can't discriminate in the work place... sounds like a home run to me!

My boss told me yesterday they will be putting blinds on my office door (which has glass on it) so I can pump in my office when I come back. The door already has a lock so that will be nice! I have always wanted blinds anyways!

My boss told me yesterday they will be putting blinds on my office door (which has glass on it) so I can pump in my office when I come back. The door already has a lock so that will be nice! I have always wanted blinds anyways!
double bonus

I'd love to be allowed to have my door shut... I have a window to the outside world, which is oddly similar to the default WinXP background... no windows to the office... but if I could shut my door, it might keep the "Hey, how do I do this in Microstation" questions to a minimum....

We go in for an ultrasound tomorrow morning... hopefully, we'll get a definite on if it's a girl or not... In other news, Mrs OSUguy failed the 1 hour glucose test, scoring a 134... She did the 3 hr test yesterday morning, so we're waiting for results... Oddly enough, she felt better doing the 3hr test (stronger dose, rather than larger dose)... So we'll see how all that turns out...

I'd love to be allowed to have my door shut... I have a window to the outside world, which is oddly similar to the default WinXP background... no windows to the office... but if I could shut my door, it might keep the "Hey, how do I do this in Microstation" questions to a minimum....
We go in for an ultrasound tomorrow morning... hopefully, we'll get a definite on if it's a girl or not... In other news, Mrs OSUguy failed the 1 hour glucose test, scoring a 134... She did the 3 hr test yesterday morning, so we're waiting for results... Oddly enough, she felt better doing the 3hr test (stronger dose, rather than larger dose)... So we'll see how all that turns out...
Interpretation of the 1 hr glucose test results is very subjective. Some drs base on 140 others 130. There is no universal agreement on the correct #. The conservative drs go with the 130 and require the 3hr to try to catch the extra 10% that will actually have GD. She is mostly likely ok.

That's what we've read/heard/etc... She didn't fast before the first one... she had breakfast 5 minutes before we left to have the test done (the 1 hr test)... I'm sure that sausage gravy and biscuits is not the best meal to eat before you take that test... But they did tell her to fast before this test... so hopefully the startch/carbs/etc that was in the biscuit/etc skewed the results...

she's actually not looking forward to the Dr. appt. tomorrow because she hates the Dr. and doesn't want to hear about the failed test...

That's what we've read/heard/etc... She didn't fast before the first one... she had breakfast 5 minutes before we left to have the test done (the 1 hr test)... I'm sure that sausage gravy and biscuits is not the best meal to eat before you take that test... But they did tell her to fast before this test... so hopefully the startch/carbs/etc that was in the biscuit/etc skewed the results...
she's actually not looking forward to the Dr. appt. tomorrow because she hates the Dr. and doesn't want to hear about the failed test...
She doesn't want to hear that she failed the test or will the dr scold her for something that is out of her control?

She doesn't want to hear that she failed the test or will the dr scold her for something that is out of her control?
She doesn't want to hear him scold her... she's hates Drs anyhow... and the last thing she needs is another person telling her she's doing something wrong (esp. if she can't control it)

Well, the 2nd ultrasound went well! We couldn't get a clear picture of her face, but we do now know it is a girl! The ultrasound tech was nicer this time (same woman) and she apologized that she couldn't get a clear picture of her face... She (the baby) had both arms up over her face, and her legs folded up over her arms... To quote the ultrasound tech---"She's really flexible"...... But she takes after her mom, always hiding from the camera

Of course, the bad news is that Mrs. OSU failed the 3hr glucose test.... I forget what her numbers were exactly, but she failed the first hour by 50+ points.... and the 2nd by 30+.... but she passed the final hour, under the limit by 15 to 20.... The Dr. seemed kinda shocked that it was so bad to start, but she still passed the overall... So he's sending us to see a nutritionist/dietitian/etc/etc to further figure out what's going on... So Mrs OSU didn't have as good a weekend as she would've liked to have for her first mother's day... She's spent much of the last few days trying not to be teary-eyed... She's not looking forward to possible injections/etc, or the possible harm it could cause the baby...

sometimes diet and exercise is all it takes. I think the only effect on the baby is the chance it will be bigger. congrats on the confirmed girl!

Thanks!! now we just have to narrow down the 3 girl names... we have a 12-letter last name... and she's got her heart set on Rosalie for the middle name.... so the first name has to be short..... right now, the 3 names are Olivia, Ella, and Lily....

The hospital called a little bit ago to set up an appointment... They told her she'd have to take a blood test after every meal for the duration of her pregnancy... but didn't specify if diet/exercise was the fix, or oral meds or injections.... Appt. is Friday.... fun fun fun

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Sounds like girl names that we tossed around, except we went with Alivia for one of our girls.

How many weeks are left?

Sounds like girl names that we tossed around, except we went with Alivia for one of our girls.
How many weeks are left?
She's due Aug 7th.... but the Dr. said from the ultrasound, they may move that est. to Aug 4th....

Hmm... I've not seen that spelling of Olivia/Alivia before... hmm... ORW, ARW, ERW, LRW... who knows...

Congrats, OSU. I had gestational diabetes with my 1st daughter, but not 2nd. That is unusual--there is a very high probability that it will be an issue subsequent pregnancies. It was not as bad as I thought it would be and my understanding is that very few women need injections or even medication for it. I was just put on a diabetic diet for the last several months. No sugar, mostly. It was a LOT of food and I quit gaining weight at one point. They said the baby was likely going to be big. The stupid doc scared me one time telling me that she could be up to 13 pounds. She was under 8 lbs. I hope your wife does as well as I did when I was pregnant. I hope she's doing well.

So far the baby is 2 lbs 6 oz. and they said she's in the 58% percentile for size/weight... so everything so far looks normal... The Dr. said not to be too alarmed, that Mrs. OSU was at a healthy weight... the baby was at a healthy weight.... and everything else looked normal...
