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Very hard about a diet. My 2 cents, most of the time people aren’t hungry they are dehydrated. Carrying a water bottle constantly full helps. For snacks I try to stick to stuff with protein and very little sugar and lower carb (still need some to fill you up.) sweet potatoes are an awesome thing fhat will help get the carbs. Beef jerky, nut mix, peanut butter, protein bar, powder, small thing of steak/chicken, plain can of tuna etc. plain Greek yoghurt, (toss in a couple blueberry or strawberries if you can’t stand plain yogurt. usually as long as it had a good amount of protein at a good calorie point. Calories are more important than worrying about carbs and fats only because your body needs a little of everything. And most of the time the water trick is really what is the hunger. Just my two cents from an armchair dietician. ( my sister an Actual dietician with a masters would KILL me as she deals with dorks like me all the time who think they know a bit, though she does agree on the water part not so much the almost no carb/Keto diet which is supposedly awful for people.
Hahahahahahaha, I actually was just on a challenge diet when I had really balanced meals with good protein/carb/veggie ratios.  I just...kinda ignored it this last week and now I'm trying to get myself back on track!  I just need to go to the gym more and drink more water/my protein shakes instead of getting an egg over easy, cheese, salt, pepper, on a toasted and buttered sunflower flagel.

Scientific fact:  When gas leaves a decaying body, the changing in pressure often sounds like a dying declaration.

tru facts.
"Twooo wuv" 

My gas will probably come out the other end when I die.
...as well as a couple other things!  😉

@RBHeadge PE Raw milk is a huge thing in the vegan/organic community out here.  They think it 'cures' stuff because you're not removing the 'healthy organisms' with the heat of pasteurization.  It's actually illegal in NYS unless you are one of, like, 2 small dairies.  One just happens to be on LI with a guy who has been organic for like 30+ years (you know, before it was a thing and cool).  Guy's really awesome and has a bunch fo chickens and is really no-nonsense about the milk.  I think he has only 3 or 4 girls he milks, so it's not a huge production that he's shipping out everywhere.  Personally, I like ultra pasteurized milk because it lasts longer.

Hahahahahahaha, I actually was just on a challenge diet when I had really balanced meals with good protein/carb/veggie ratios.  I just...kinda ignored it this last week and now I'm trying to get myself back on track!  I just need to go to the gym more and drink more water/my protein shakes instead of getting an egg over easy, cheese, salt, pepper, on a toasted and buttered sunflower flagel.
See that’s not too bad if you cut out the bagel and cheese and add a little steak and veggies ;)  but no really I understand.

I usually try to give myself the weekends as ‘cheat days or meals’ and also ‘drinks cheats with friends’ just cause it is hard but I have found for me personally that if I workout hard enough during the week and eat well, a burger here and some pizza there doesn’t really hurt the diet and actually helps you stay on track during the week. Even with those kind of weekends I still dropped from 210 to a buck 90 and sustain that while building muscle. At 6-1 it’s not a bad weight though I would like to get to 180 one day.. time for a workout though! Today is back day!

Raw milk is a huge thing in the vegan/organic community out here.  They think it 'cures' stuff because you're not removing the 'healthy organisms' with the heat of pasteurization.  It's actually illegal in NYS unless....
Ughh, speaking as a former health inspector, it's shit like this that really grinds my gears. 

 I think he has only 3 or 4 girls he milks, so it's not a huge production that he's shipping out everywhere.  
You're referring to bovine right?

Even with those kind of weekends I still dropped from 210 to a buck 90 and sustain that while building muscle. At 6-1 it’s not a bad weight though I would like to get to 180 one day..
Nice. Meanwhile I’m sitting solid between “heftychonk” and “oh lawd he comin’”


See that’s not too bad if you cut out the bagel and cheese and add a little steak and veggies ;)  but no really I understand.

I usually try to give myself the weekends as ‘cheat days or meals’ and also ‘drinks cheats with friends’ just cause it is hard but I have found for me personally that if I workout hard enough during the week and eat well, a burger here and some pizza there doesn’t really hurt the diet and actually helps you stay on track during the week. Even with those kind of weekends I still dropped from 210 to a buck 90 and sustain that while building muscle. At 6-1 it’s not a bad weight though I would like to get to 180 one day.. time for a workout though! Today is back day!
Yeah!  I dropped from 218 to just under 200 (like 199.5) just by finally starting to work out and keeping track of what I'm eating.  I mean, I'll never be svelte, and it sucks that my thighs don't fit in my pants anymore, but I'm hoping I can lose just a little bit more since I think my metabolism actually is starting to kick in?  I just have to keep working out and only eat pizza once a week instead of every single night.

You're referring to bovine right?
I'm always referring to bovine in one way or another in every conversation.

Yeah!  I dropped from 218 to just under 200 (like 199.5) just by finally starting to work out and keeping track of what I'm eating.  I mean, I'll never be svelte, and it sucks that my thighs don't fit in my pants anymore, but I'm hoping I can lose just a little bit more since I think my metabolism actually is starting to kick in?  I just have to keep working out and only eat pizza once a week instead of every single night.

I'm always referring to bovine in one way or another in every conversation.
Nice job!!! Yeah just keep it up, it gets so much easier after a couple months! if there is one thing I’ve learned in my short(er) amount of time  everyone on this forum seems super supportive and helps motivate. You’ll def get there!! On a side note, I really want a good meat lovers pizza with giardiniera right now...oh and some fresh garlic.. too much talk about pizza 😅

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Nice job!!! Yeah just keep it up, it gets so much easier after a couple months! if there is one thing I’ve learned in my short(er) amount of time  everyone on this forum seems super supportive and helps motivate. You’ll def get there!! On a side note, I really want a good meat lovers pizza with giardiniera right now...oh and some fresh garlic.. too much talk about pizza 😅
I’ve only been really working out since the start of this year and the “workouts” from January to June were at Crunch fitness (group fitness classes with moms that were 25-minutes of squats and small weight movements). I joined a kickboxing class that was more expensive, but on the way home from work, and shit-I feel so gross at the end of class but I feel like I’ve actually worked out instead of getting kinda winded.  

The girls forum is really supportive and I’m lucky that my gym is also crazy supportive! I’m going to miss them when I leave, but I’m determined to at least attempt to keep working out! I like seeing real results! But CrossFit scares me and I’ll never get involved with that. 

I’ve only been really working out since the start of this year and the “workouts” from January to June were at Crunch fitness (group fitness classes with moms that were 25-minutes of squats and small weight movements). I joined a kickboxing class that was more expensive, but on the way home from work, and shit-I feel so gross at the end of class but I feel like I’ve actually worked out instead of getting kinda winded.  

The girls forum is really supportive and I’m lucky that my gym is also crazy supportive! I’m going to miss them when I leave, but I’m determined to at least attempt to keep working out! I like seeing real results! But CrossFit scares me and I’ll never get involved with that. 
I'm relatively in shape, and cross fit scares me. 

Right now, my exercise is doing yard work around my house. I’m working on a renovation of our entire landscape and it involves ripping out the old stuff, digging trenches, moving dirt and rocks, and digging out trees and roots. Decided to do it by hand for now to save money, get exercise, and so I can be proud of the end result. Of course, it also means it takes a lot longer than if I were to hire somebody/rent big equipment.
