don't forget to tag RB in your votes so he can find them easily (he found this one but sometimes days can get hectic!)Going with Cheby on this one. Ill vote for @JayKay0914
Just a small town boy, born and raised in south Detroit?I am not mafia I’m just a little old townie on my way to the market to buy provisions. @JayKay0914
Oranges, by any chance?I am not mafia I’m just a little old townie on my way to the market to buy provisions. @JayKay0914
o i c wut u did tharI am not mafia I’m just a little old townie on my way to the market to buy provisions. @JayKay0914
Not at all! I needed to buy dog food and some chicken wings (wing Wednesday) for dinner!o i c wut u did thar
Buying oranges before you get shot down for being a mafioso/the other bosses sending their capitanos after you!!!
Now I'm regretting only making chicken breast for dinner(wing Wednesday) for dinner!
Slather it in BBQ sauce and get some ranch, then you’re in business.Now I'm regretting only making chicken breast for dinner
Right...”wings.”Hooters, I know not everyone likes their wings but I really enjoy them
I swear by cheese (by itself) when I need a filling snack. Probably not what you’re looking for, tho.Ugh. I did morning workout but I ate pizza and Taco Bell for dinner. Got to cut out the carbs and do a mini-purge this week to get back on track. Does anyone have good “snacks” that aren’t ******* crackers? I don’t want to have too many nuts in one day, either, so I’m trying to figure something out...maybe cucumbers?
Rice cake with peanut butter (Or almond butter, or whatever)? My go to is almonds, and banana chips, which I have a small pile of 2 meals a day.... Or apple/fruit snack at work.Yeah, trying to do non-salty/non-dairy. I didn’t have dairy/white bread the last six weeks for a kickboxing challenge and I lost 18-lbs, but now I’m scared of gaining it back (I’ve always been chubby polish lass trying to flee...everyone). I think I’m going to start eating the yogurt again (thanks for reminding me RB) and maybe start doing the protein shakes again. Unfortunately, my family keeps eating my meals and leaving cookies around the house.