EB Mafia

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The night time snacking is the worst! it packs on weight faster than anything according to my sister the dietitian. 8 pm is a good cutoff she told me.  
Yessss!!!!  I think one of my goals might be at least 6 days of the week, stop snacking/eating before 8pm.  Also, when I go out with friends, limit it to one drink per location (which prob means more 'clear' drinks in my future.  Maybe a vodka Tom Collins?  As for the BMI stuff...I measured myself recently for a dress and I know I've lost at least 3" on my chest/waist.  Not sure about pants, since I think my butt is getting bigger?  Which I guess is a thing, but slightly upsetting. 

I'm 5'9", 160#, been a golfer almost my whole life, but age is catching up and walking 18 holes no longer burns enough calories.  With all the PE studying golf was put on hold and I started to gain weight so I had to into running (well jogging really lol).
I don't think I've ever jogged/ran?  Like, it hurts my shins and I've got kinda flat feet, so I never attempted.  I might try it again in the future, tbh.

@NikR_PE, yeah, I figured with the kickboxing I couldn't wear my tracker under the gloves (which is why I wasn't even thinking of getting one when I was doing boxing every day), and the place I go to now I only do the kickboxing once a week, but it's actual sparring/a ton of mit work, so it's really fun!  I think I'm going to look into myfitnesspal again and maybe get a cheapo fitbit that can link.  I think I need a baseline number of steps to aim for, like 5k, and then combine that with my workouts.

I'm making a plan and I want to really try and stick with it!

I don't think I've ever jogged/ran?  Like, it hurts my shins and I've got kinda flat feet, so I never attempted.  I might try it again in the future, tbh.

@NikR_PE, yeah, I figured with the kickboxing I couldn't wear my tracker under the gloves (which is why I wasn't even thinking of getting one when I was doing boxing every day), and the place I go to now I only do the kickboxing once a week, but it's actual sparring/a ton of mit work, so it's really fun!  I think I'm going to look into myfitnesspal again and maybe get a cheapo fitbit that can link.  I think I need a baseline number of steps to aim for, like 5k, and then combine that with my workouts.

I'm making a plan and I want to really try and stick with it!
Good luck. I think you are on the right track.

Also, its a good time to look for deals on fitbit.

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Yeah!  I don't really trust them either, but this is the first time I've actually been loosing weight!  So I want to keep at it!  I have a very 'proportional' body, as someone said once, so I don't look as big as I should?  Plus, not to toot my own horn, my legs are kinda like slabs of unused muscle from horseback riding when I was younger and they're slowly become bigger/more muscle which is def a thing for me!!!

@jean15paul_PE, I like the idea of keto/crossfit, but crossfit...always starts of good, and then I feel like they start pushing for speed instead of form and I don't want to hurt myself.  As for keto itself...Idk.  I have to look more into it, but I was following a diet when I did a kickboxing bootcamp and I might do that.  It was a very simple portion control + having either a carb/protein/veggie or fat/protein/veggie as my plate.  Worked really well, so I might attempt that a little more.
Yeah I don't really get into the competitive side of Crossfit. I'm not a member of a box. My work has a gym, and there's a group of us who workout together. A couple of them are pretty hard core crossfitters. I'm just trying to get a good workout.

Crossfit definitely has some "issues" overall, but I like it for specific reasons.

  1. I don't like doing cardio. With high intensity crossfit workouts, I get cardio benefits without doing long duration cardio.
  2. I prefer working out with free weights, over weight machines
  3. I prefer doing the big compound lifts (cleans, snatches, deadlifts, squats, etc) over doing isolation lifts (curls, extensions, shrugs, etc)
  4. I can get a intense full body workout in less than 20 minutes.
  5. (edit, I forgot one) I like the constant variation of crossfit. It's super rare that we repeat a workout in the same year.
But I'm not competing with anyone. And I'm not going to do anything to hurt myself. I spend time on my own research form and technique. Sure, I'm always trying to get better, but not at the expense of doing anything dangerous.

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I like the idea of keto/crossfit, but crossfit...always starts of good, and then I feel like they start pushing for speed instead of form and I don't want to hurt myself.  As for keto itself...Idk.  I have to look more into it, but I was following a diet when I did a kickboxing bootcamp and I might do that.  It was a very simple portion control + having either a carb/protein/veggie or fat/protein/veggie as my plate.  Worked really well, so I might attempt that a little more.
Diet is where it's at.

I've kept my exercise routine the same since Feb this year, and I was able to gain 20lbs, then lose 10lbs just by adjusting my diet. I'm losing about 1lb/wk on my current diet. Gonna stop that soon and start gaining again.

I used to have a fitbit; and will say that they can help with fitness goals or keep you on track. I moved away from the fitbit after I had several with manufacturing defects and battery problems. 

I recently switched to the Amazfit Bip after over a year without a watch or other tracker, it has several of the fitbit features for a fraction of the cost. The best benefit I've found so far is battery life. My last charge was 11/26 and I have 84% battery remaining at the moment.

I'm mainly tracking steps and heart rate while walking / hiking / working in the yard. 

Congratulations! That's awesome! Sounds like you could just keep doing what you're doing.
Ehhhhhhh.  I don't know if I could?  New job is better hours, but now I end up sitting on the couch more and snacking than doing active stuff?  Plus, I had my family kinda helping me with the food prep (like, my mom would make dinner and I would pick what I could eat, whereas now I am cooking for myself and not making...the best of decisions).  

For fitness, until I sprained my ankle last year, I was on the elliptical every other day for upto an hour at a time, plus walking or hiking a minimum of 5 miles a day. When I rode my bike, it was 5-10 miles. I had lost 50 lbs and was feeling really good. After the ankle sprain, it all came back with a vengeance. My lung capacity had increased, and is still pretty good, and I plan to get back on the machines next week during our paid break.

If I follow the BMI charts, I'm morbidly obese; but I think those charts are full of crap. Not everyone can be a twig!
I think my lung capacity had increased!  I don't feel as winded when we do cardio stuff, but I know I can do better!  I think I might start trying to do walks around my neighborhood/downtown on days I don't go to the gym?  It'll help me explore the area but also keep me from snacking some more.  And...my body is def not a twig.  Irish + Polish + a ton of eastern European ancestry means I am built for cold weather.

Yessss!!!!  I think one of my goals might be at least 6 days of the week, stop snacking/eating before 8pm.  Also, when I go out with friends, limit it to one drink per location (which prob means more 'clear' drinks in my future.  Maybe a vodka Tom Collins?  As for the BMI stuff...I measured myself recently for a dress and I know I've lost at least 3" on my chest/waist.  Not sure about pants, since I think my butt is getting bigger?  Which I guess is a thing, but slightly upsetting. 
Thats awesome though!! Keep it up!!

Speaking of which, i should also get back to working out. Have not done much past 2 yrs. My previous gym class times dont work for me anymore due to daddy duties. Still trying to find something that will stick.

I recently started using the Whoop strap, and I didn't realize until now how many calories I'm not using. Every calculator ever told me need like ~2400 to maintain my body weight. Turns out, on days I don't exercise, the strap says I only used ~1800 calories. So now I'm working on a plan to adjust my calorie intake based on workout days so that I'm not getting too many calories when I don't need them.

Game Analysis Update

There has been a derth of public useful information this round. We haven't had anything useful since the round that @ChebyshevII PE was voted out. Despite the large number of players, there aren't many high-turnout votes, and votes are spread around.

My analysis will have to focus on non-public information.

The cop is still alive. The cop discovered that @ChebyshevII PE was mafia on day 2. A proxy was employed to help whip up enough votes to vote him out.  @leggo PE voted for @ChebyshevII PE , @tj_PE was held in reserve to vote at the last minute in case it was needed. It wasn't. The proxy was not nightkilled so @leggo PEand @tj_PE were considered trusted but unverified townies. They were kept informed throughout the game in a compartmentalized PM thread.

Meanwhile the cop was verifying several people are townies. The following players are known through investigation to be safe  @chart94, @RBHeadge PE, @MadamPirate, @vhab49_PE, @Roarbark. Any of these players, and @tj_PE and @leggo PE, can verify what I am saying is correct. This is certainly more than the number of mafia in the game so don't bother with the "tHi5 i5 a MafIA pl@t" defense.

To be clear, a vote for @RBHeadge PE, @MadamPirate, @vhab49_PE, @Roarbark now shows that you are mafia.

This leaves four players who have unknown roles: @Spickett, @txjennah PE, @blybrook PE, @jean15paul_PE.

There are 2-3 mafia members remaining. So there are 1 or 2 townie members on that list of four players. They know who they are.

The cop has one remaining investigation. Who should the cop investigate tonight?
I guess I'll trust this analysis, only because I've got nothing else and @RBHeadge PE has been very helpful in past games. (I fear the day he's on the mafia's side.)

@JayKay PE, I vote for @Spickett because I had 3 people to pick from and he's been pretty vocal.

@LyceeFruit may not approve, but a stiff bourbon and coke is one of my "late night" snacks.  I don't drink at work, but others do including my supervisors and when they do I just ignore everything they say.

I used to take a few minutes after each studying hour (except when doing timed practice exams), take a weighted golf club and beat the hell out of a kevlar "impact" bag over and over for a quick workout.  I'm getting a balance board for Christmas so I can take practice swings while standing on it to help my balance/leg strength.

Back to the game:  I think you townies have got this in the bag.  I'm rooting for you!

I used to have a fitbit; and will say that they can help with fitness goals or keep you on track. I moved away from the fitbit after I had several with manufacturing defects and battery problems. 

I recently switched to the Amazfit Bip after over a year without a watch or other tracker, it has several of the fitbit features for a fraction of the cost. The best benefit I've found so far is battery life. My last charge was 11/26 and I have 84% battery remaining at the moment.

I'm mainly tracking steps and heart rate while walking / hiking / working in the yard. 
THIS IS NEEDED.  I was thinking of getting a fitbit, but I know all about the battery issues/etc. from my mom.  I might look more into the Amazfit since it seems kinda like what I want.  Tracks steps, has a watch, a basic fitness tracker thing and pretty cheap.  I don't need something analyzing my workouts or how well I sleep.  I need something to track my steps/heart beat and give me an approx. value of calories burned throughout the day.

I recently started using the Whoop strap, and I didn't realize until now how many calories I'm not using. Every calculator ever told me need like ~2400 to maintain my body weight. Turns out, on days I don't exercise, the strap says I only used ~1800 calories. So now I'm working on a plan to adjust my calorie intake based on workout days so that I'm not getting too many calories when I don't need them.
Like, that is way over my head.  Being able to actually keep tack/manipulate your calories and diet like that.  That's where I want to be!  To understand my diet well enough that I can increase muscle mass while keeping the same calories or something like that!  I'm going to start reading and poking my gym instructor to see what he thinks (but only after I've worked out a bit more and increased my stamina).

Sister was in Hawaii and brought me back one of these bad boys. @Roarbark I figured you would appreciate it!!
Great pattern, non-kitschy. I approve. Sister has good taste.

Ahh. Well, sorry for badgering you.
Excelllent. Also good taste.

My legs, shoulders, and triceps are all but inoperable today.
Excelllent... It's woooorking.

Good luck!

My goals are to train with weights regularly, and lose 75 pounds. To do this i’m just generally trying to limit the amount of calories that i’m eating in general; and no more indiscriminate snacking, especially right before going to bed.
Yeah, diet supposedly makes a much bigger difference than exercise. make sure there are only healthy snacks available (fruit, nuts, idk what else). Family can hide the unhealthy ones.

we don't have a ton of sweets brought in, thank goodness...but those damn costco meat sticks LOL embarrassing but true.
@tj_PE Not really PC to call the stockboys meat sticks.... 

I guess I'll trust this analysis, only because I've got nothing else and @RBHeadge PE has been very helpful in past games. (I fear the day he's on the mafia's side.)

@JayKay PE, I vote for @Spickett because I had 3 people to pick from and he's been pretty vocal.
Confirming operation narwhal. 
