EB Mafia

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only downside to decoupled states! two more years for this guy... but at least the hard part is done already!

True - I'm working on my record now, and it's a total pain in the ass. 
It took me 2 months after getting my pass results to start my record, then another 6 months to complete it. Well, I finished my part in ~2 months, but it took like 4 months to get all the employment verifications and recommendations. And the 2 more months for the board to approve my application (they reject it once).

So yeah, took the exam in October 2018. Got pass results in Dec 2018. Got licensed in October 2019!

Edit: But I have a 15 year career (3 companies, 5 positions), so it was a lot to document, and a lot to verify. You mileage may vary

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I haven't looked at the record yet. I guess I should... thankfully I've had 1 job since college, just in 2 states. 

It took me 2 months after getting my pass results to start my record, then another 6 months to complete it. Well, I finished my part in ~2 months, but it took like 4 months to get all the employment verifications and recommendations. And the 2 more months for the board to approve my application (they reject it once).

So yeah, took the exam in October 2018. Got pass results in Dec 2018. Got licensed in October 2019!

Edit: But I have a 15 year career (3 companies, 5 positions), so it was a lot to document, and a lot to verify. You mileage may vary
Lucky for me I am still fresh out soon it’s been easy to record the past two years since I was able to pass it out of school. I think that helps a lot, but I also took it after about 8 months of expired ce and we had just lost a bunch of people so I had to learn shit quick. lol
