EB Mafia

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V confused but the vet tech told me that Marcie needs more exercise so she doesnt loose her defined waist and we can start running with her at 0.25mi at time. Build up to 3+ mi by the time she turns 1 in May so I have that going for me lol

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I'm still considered 'obese' by the stupid BMI chart, but I'm hoping to drop a few more.  I want to try and get to 175 (that's my ultra goal) and I think 150 lb is my 'normal' weight on the BMI chart, but that will def be a longer road.
The BMI chart is crap, or at least strongly flawed. You can have a lot of muscle, and because you weigh a lot for your height because of said muscle, you can show up as obese on the BMI. Of course, it can work for some people, but I honestly don't put a lot of stock into that metric, even though I show up as normal on it. I more go by how I feel, mostly in in my workouts. Like, does it take me longer to get fatigued? Can I up my weights? Can I do more reps?

I listened to you yesterday and voted for spickett and still the confirmed townies lynched me. :(

But Looks like the confirmed townies now have a majority, and after today's investigation should be able to win soon.
I appreciate that! And I'm sorry you're now dedded. But hey, you can hang out with me and the other cool kids who are also dedded! There are a lot of us.

Like, that is way over my head.  Being able to actually keep tack/manipulate your calories and diet like that.  That's where I want to be!  To understand my diet well enough that I can increase muscle mass while keeping the same calories or something like that!  I'm going to start reading and poking my gym instructor to see what he thinks (but only after I've worked out a bit more and increased my stamina).
I used to not keep track. Back in 2017 I was working out, and I thought I knew what I was doing; I had the required protein shake immediately after each workout. However, that was the extent to which I paid attention to my diet. Then my lifts eventually stalled and I stopped working out. Then I started to understand the importance of my diet and after I started eating right, I started working out again blew past my stalled PRs. I started a thread so everyone and share knowledge, resources, and whatnot.

I appreciate that! And I'm sorry you're now dedded. But hey, you can hang out with me and the other cool kids who are also dedded! There are a lot of us.

Yeah, diet supposedly makes a much bigger difference than exercise. make sure there are only healthy snacks available (fruit, nuts, idk what else). Family can hide the unhealthy ones.
Fitness (i.e. muscular strength, flexibility, cardio health) happens in the gym

Weight loss happens in the kitchen

Healthy is a combination of both.


congrats. Time to add PE after your name. I mean IRL
I initially added PE after my name on LinkedIn. But after looking at the profiles of engineers that work for NCEES, I reluctantly changed it to P.E.

I didn't bother adding it to my email signature because it's not required at my work and most other PEs at my company don't list it. So probably no new business cards. But it will be there whenever the next time is I update my resume.

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