EB Mafia

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Well, perhaps my time in this gated community is short. Before I go, @JayKay PE, I'd like to cast my vote for @MadamPirate, because she didn't vote for civilrobot the first night.
Do you have any other suggestions?  I am starting to suspect @NikR or @ChebyshevII PE both have been oddly quiet this game.

Last time cheby was this quiet he was mafia.

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Do you have any other suggestions?  I am starting to suspect @NikR or @ChebyshevII PE both have been oddly quiet this game.

Last time cheby was this quiet he was mafia.
Sorry. I’ve worked no less than 11 hours/day all week this week, and have barely had time with my family. It’s particularly busy in my neck of the woods.
