EB Mafia

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I wish my excuse was as impressive as yours...mine's simply- I have kids, they have behavior, my wife has behavior when I'm mafia-ing during meltdowns and baths, I do not like my wife's behavior when I'm caught mafia-ing at inappropriate times so I do not mafia at inappropriate times. Therefore, this game is reserved for times I'm getting paid to do things other than play this game.
I have a very similar story
Friends, I'm going to be honest with you - if there are any late-stage voting blocks, I'm gonna miss it. I'm prepping for a Sinfonietta concert on the 20th and am playing first violin - I just picked up violin again recently after not playing for awhile (ahem...23 years), so I'm currently spending my evenings working on things like, "Not sounding screechy when shifting into fifth position" and "playing in tune. Play in tune, for the love of God."

Side note, why does Christmas music have to be so damn high????

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That's so awesome @txjennah PE ! Good luck. I hope there will be pictures or video posted somewhere. 😃

I often want to pickup the trumpet again, but I can't make the time.
That's so awesome @txjennah PE ! Good luck. I hope there will be pictures or video posted somewhere. 😃

I often want to pickup the trumpet again, but I can't make the time.
Thank you so much! I hope you're able to, it's like revisiting an old friend! :) But I don't have any kiddos, so that makes it way easier for me.
THIS IS SO COOL!! My violin is...just hanging on the wall rn. SAD.

It's not screeching...it's uh...hArMoNicS!

What strings are you rockin' @txjennah PE ?
Ahhhh so cool, didn't know you were a violinist!

I'm struggling with shifting on the E string. The highest notes I had to deal with in orchestra when I was in middle school was maaayyybeeee D using my pinkie finger or E if I shifted into third position (which was rare). But now I have to go way up high into fifth and it sounds really sad and screechy.