Day 6/Night 6
Ethics/Project management did not go well. It ended when
@BlueBlueprint_PE pissed off the instructor
@MadamPirate PE , trying to explain you can't sign unfinished work and expect to complete it via revision drawings. "What the ONE thing you gotta do to make money on a project?" asked MP. "That's obvious", muttered
@SaltySteve PE . "You shut up!" voiced MP. She continued, "You have to FINISH the project!" With extra homework assigned, the students retreated to the library, where they fell asleep at their desks.
That night,
@txjennah PE woke up inside the gym horrified. She found herself chained and confined inside a toll-booth like rectangular glass tank, with saltwater pouring in and slowly filling up the tank. Across from her was
@SaltySteve PE , standing on a block of ice, a noose around his head and the rope tied to a wooden beam. There is a key hanging on a string halfway between
@SaltySteve PE and
@txjennah PE .
@chart94 was high above
@SaltySteve PE on the wooden beam, blindfolded with a saw in hand, not able to see the rope.
@BlueBlueprint_PE was several feet away, chained to and pedaling on a stationary bike. The bike was powering a fan, which blew cold air on the block of ice
@SaltySteve PE was standing on, keeping it from melting. Live electrical wires ran from the bike to the floor.
@JayKay PE walked in with
@MadamPirate PE. "This is your final ethics test", said
@JayKay PE . "In a few minutes, the tank will fill up with saltwater, drowning
@txjennah PE . She can save herself by pulling up the lever at the bottom to let the water out, but it will blow to the bike, electrocuting and killing
@BlueBlueprint_PE . If Blue dies, the bike stops and the ice will melt, hanging
@SaltySteve PE .
@SaltySteve PE can jump and grab the key and toss it to
@txjennah PE so she can unlock the chain and free herself and then
@BlueBlueprint_PE , but Salty would have to step off the block of ice and hang himself in the process.
@chart94 can use the saw to free
@SaltySteve PE , but he'll fall and break his neck. Someone has to become free to be able to catch
@chart94 . The question is, who among you will sacrifice themselves to save the others?
The 4 remaining students argued, each one accusing the other of being mafia/sabotaging the class. The water had reached
@txjennah PE 's neck, and in a few seconds would reach her mouth/nose.
@BlueBlueprint_PE was growing exhausted from pedaling. She slowed down and the ice started to melt. The rope caught @Salty's neck and he started to choke.
@txjennah PE grabbed the lever. "WAIT!" cried
@chart94 . "I'm the only chance for all of us to escape. I can't see the rope, but you guys can. If you guide me while I crawl along the beam, I think I can reach it and cut the rope. Hurry!"
@BlueBlueprint_PE could see best, so they guided
@chart94 until he reached the rope.
@SaltySteve PE was freed and he immediately grabbed the key and freed
@txjennah PE , who's head was already underwater.
@txjennah PE leaped out of the tank to help free
@SaltySteve PE . Then they all stood together to catch @chart as he jumped down.
@JayKay PE and
@MadamPirate PE clapped in unison. "Well done guys! You've all passed!" "What about the others who had to die for all this bulls***?" cried
@chart94 . "Who said anything about dying?" , said
@DuranDuran PE , walking in with Shriek, the custodian. "What, you're normal again?" said a confused
@txjennah PE .
@jean15paul_PE entered next, along with
@beccabun PE ,
@RBHeadge PE ,
@NikR_PE ,
@harshaPEAZ ,
@ChebyshevII PE ,
@djl PE ,
@Dothracki PE , and
@EyehatethePEexam PE. The 4 remaining "living" players gaped in shock.
@jean15paul_PE started to explain. "It was all a ruse. Well, mostly. I was hired as an undercover cop to investigate the licensing board's nasty dealings setting up this "reform" school. Obviously there had been many complaints. I discovered
@RBHeadge PE the first day forming a gang to sabotage the school and force the board to shut it down. We talked, and agreed there was a better way. We decided to let the reform school run its course and we recorded everything as evidence.
@harshaPEAZ was given a real shock, but only to render her unconscious. He held up
@NikR_PE 's head. "Paper mache. The elementary kids are quite the artists! Everyone else was sent to the playground to remain and keep up the illusion." "So what happens now?", asked
@txjennah PE , still in shock. "The corrupt licensing board members are facing fines and prison sentences. You engineers have been granted lifetime exemption for your PE license, with no CE requirements, ever. The new board members recognize your exemplary performance, not only in your trades, but in your dedication to each other. They now recognize the real problem is architects, not engineers. As compensation for your pain and suffering, and as punishment to the instructors, the instructors and engineers will team up to train and reform the incoming class of architects!"
Shriek jumped out in front of the crowd:
View attachment 23331 "WE'RE GOING TO KICK SOME ARCHITECT ASS!!!"
There was a silent pause:
"Umm...wrong line", said
@Dothracki PE
"Wrong character", added
"Wrong movie", said
@ChebyshevII PE
Shriek slumped his head and shoulders. "It's ok", said
@EyehatethePEexam PE . "You're the best damn custodian this old dingy dilapidated school has ever seen! Shriek blushed, and
@blybrook PE patted his head and grunted in agreement.
The End!
@txjennah PE was lynched by the town. She was a regular townie.
@chart94 was nightkilled by the mafia. He was a regular townie.
@BlueBlueprint_PE and
@SaltySteve PE are the remaining players and both are mafia. The mafia wins!