EB Mafia

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No woodchipper, because ilu @LyceeFruit PE and felt bad


"Wait, come back," hissed @vhab49_PE, tugging on @tj_PE duffle bag full of stolen goods so they'd stumble back the few steps back behind.  After slapping a hand over @tj_PE's mouth to quiet the loud protest, @vhab49_PE peeked around the corner of the house.  They were so close to the entrance, so close to getting back to normal society, but there they were...people.  Preparing a huge bonfire.

Which did not seem to bode well for one of the group.

"Why are you doing this?"  A figure wailed from the ground, hands and legs bound in such a manner that they could barely roll onto their side, "I'm here to help you!  I'm a reporter!  I can get this story out!  I can get help to come save us!  You saw what happened to @rebecca1 and @jean15paul_PE!  There's something here that is killing us and we can't just ignore it and stay in our little bubble!"

Three figures draped in robes (because rich people are weird and have heavy fabric robes in dark colors on hand at all times) glanced over at the encumbered person.  Two continued tending to the crackling fire, adding a mix of young pine and larger, dry logs on top of the base.  The logs were to sustain the large blaze.  The younger pine, which took long to burn but made the air smell like Christmas...was utilized to mask the stench of burnt meat that was permeating the air.  

"We must atone."  One said.

"Indeed.  It's the only way."

Another nodded.  "These homes are built on cursed land."

"We must atone."

"It's the only way."

The reporter screamed as one grabbed their leg, starting to drag them across the snow covered ground and closer to the flames.  The second tangled their hand in the blood-matted hair, jerking to lift up a portion of the torso.  The screams abruptly cut off when the last robed figure fish-hooked them, fingers entering their mouth to gag them while simultaneous ripping their face to the side and through their cheek muscle.

The gurgled whimpers crescendo'd back into anguished howls when they body was tossed into the middle of the bonfire, the three figures dropping back into watching.  Watching as the figure writhed at the flames quickly burning through their gasoline-soaked clothing.  Watching as hair, eyebrows, delicate flesh on the hands and feet curled up and peeled away from the tendons.  Watching in silence as the screams petered off due to the super hot fire finally burning though the throat, though the body continued to writhe in silence.

@vhab49_PE made silent eye contact with @tj_PE, who hadn't seen what was happening but it wasn't that difficult to piece it together when they could smell the burnt pork and screams .  They would try another way out and hopefully not get caught by the cats...or these zealots.  They'd rather be killed by a quick, but deadly, paw swipe than burned alive by those they wanted to help.

@LyceeFruit PE was killed by the rich townies.  @LyceeFruit PE was fellow rich person.

The remaining players are:

@ChebyshevII PE@chart94@NikR_PE, and @DuranDuran

The final vote was:

x1 @ChebyshevII PE (lycee)

x3 @LyceeFruit PE (duran, chart, Nik)


yeah, I think I would've preferred the chipper lol 
You know, you try to help someone out.  Make them happy.  Get them NOT woodchipped again, and this is the thanks I get?  THIS IS THE THANKS I GET?!?!?!

*goes and sulks*
