Leaving behind the body of the archeologist, who seemed to deeply regret their part played in their quest to understand human history,
@vhab49_PE and
@tj_PE carefully moved back outside and into the darkness. Their time in the area had expanded greatly beyond what was required for a simple B&E, but with the lack of a vehicle, and
@tj_PE refusing to drop her duffle bag, returning to the entrance was a slightly more difficult endeavor.
Especially with the houses looking so similar.
"You're sure we're going in the right direction?"
@vhab49_PE asked nervously, "We really need to get out of here. We're not going into anymore houses, right,
@tj_PE? Right?" They stopped scanning their surroundings and focused on
@tj_PE, was was squinting at a point in the distance. "What's wrong? Is it someone? Is is...something?" They tightened their grip on their companion's coat and crowded closer.
"It's...Maybe it's a person?" They said in response, their steps already redirecting so they could approach the creature slumped over in the snow. "But it's not moving. I know it's probably dead, but we need to find out more about this-thing-. Right now all we know is that it someone how came from underground, it's big, and it eats meat." Their footsteps slowed as the approached the unmoving shadow, both releasing a breath when they saw it was a samoyed dog tied outside.
Assuming it was dead, because the dog hadn't moved,
@vhab49_PE paused when they moved past.
@tj_PE was ready to complain, turning to do so, but stopped at
@vhab49_PE's expression. "What's wrong?"
"This dog wasn't bit. Whatever is running around the houses. Whatever has been killing the people. Didn't kill this dog." They knelt in the snow and turned over the carcass, biting their lip at the pinpoint of blood, "I---it might have been shot?"
"Don't touch it! It's bait!" A voice yelled from a nearby house, porch lights turning on abruptly, drenching the area in bright light and making the two thieves squint into the shadows. "Who are you? How'd you survive the queen? Who sent you?"
Blinking at the sudden change in lighting, and worried about this person obviously having a firearm,
@tj_PE remained crouching to see what would happen.
@vhab49_PE on the other hand, shakily stood to a half-hunched position. "We're visiting! Our friend lives in one of the houses, but when we arrived they...they weren't there." An arm went out to steady them in the award position. "Do you know what happened? We found...we found a lot of bodies and one person who seemed...that is, they said they found something during a dig?"
A scoff from the shadowy porch, "That'd be little
@RBHeadge PE, the sap. They thought we'd find some scraps of tools. That's what the original contract said, to explore beneath this area because of its geographic significance during the Pleistocene epoch, try to see if we could find some fossils of the local fauna. Maybe there would be something to keep
@RBHeadge PE busy, so they could send something to the museum..." They trailed off, as if remembering easier days.
"But you found something."
The shadowy figure moved across the porch, a darker spot of black in the darkness, "We found something. Yes."
@tj_PE finally stood, moving partially in front of
@vhab49_PE and giving them more distance from the porch. Being lit up like this, next to the dead dog that was being used as bait...was not comforting. "
@RBHeadge PE, you said their name was? They said it was preserved. That it woke up during your investigation."
"Yes. It shouldn't have been alive, but I guess the situation of its preservation, combined with the temperature, placed it in a hyper-suspended animation." A pause. "We should have shot it first instead of thinking of what we could learn from it. We were stupid. You can learn just as much from a corpse, especially when it's an extinct animal. It wasn't worth it. Of course, animals are fairly predictable," The sound of a gun cocking echoed in the brief silence, "especially when they wake up hungry."
@tj_PE and
@vhab49_PE wondered what the figure meant before they saw the other large shadow, halfway between them and the porch. A silver-hued paw larger than a dinnerplate edged into the light, moving the hard-packed snow with ease, and that single movement allowed the outline of the huge cat to emerge.
Having revealed itself slightly, the huge cat surveyed the setting. It began to pace around the circle of light, moving towards to porch. Perhaps being prehistoric, it didn't realize that the sound of a gun meant danger and that light when it was dark out wasn't something to be feared. A spotted pattern covered the rippling shoulders, the bulk of the creature matching almost a bear, but the figure was all cat-from the flickering pair of rosebud-shaped ears to the large, saber-shaped pair of teeth that dipped past the animals chin.
@tj_PE felt a shiver go up her spine.
The saber-toothed cat, only a few paces from the house, stepped into the light partially. It paused, pupils shrinking to the merest of slits, and
@vhab49_PE audibly swallowed back a whimper when the huge paws flexed and revealed the deadly curved claws of a kitten multiplied in size a hundredfold. The cat gave a yawn that highlighted exactly how large its canines were before its back leg lifted to give a delicately shaped ear a scratch. Preparing for the worse,
@vhab49_PE couldn't prevent the loud gasp of air that escaped when the cat made a weird, deep-throated, noise before it flopped into a sphinx position.
The three humans were so busy watching the one cat, terrified that it was going to attack and then dealing with the excess adrenaline when it didn't, they didn't even notice the other that had been approaching the porch from the other side.
A scream from the shadowy figure, following by a gunshot, and the other cat quickly sprang up to all four feet to rapidly cover the ground-fast, much, much too fast for something of that size-and leap gracefully onto the porch with the other cat to finish the job.
While the giant animals crunched into
@MadamPirate PE's neck, based on how sharp the bone noises sounded between the large teeth that were now back in the shadows,
@vhab49_PE and
@tj_PE quickly, but quietly, took a large circle around the porch and moved back towards the main roadway. Hopefully the smilodons would be too occupied by the two bodies laid before it as a buffet to give immediate chase and they could find a car or something to hotwire to escape.
But, based on how things had been progressing so far, time was rapidly running out for our two thieves.
@Roarbark was killed by the mafia/angry scientists
@MadamPirate PE was killed by the townies (I guess? The creatures are now townie?).
@MadamPirate PE was mafia (or I guess angry paleontologist?)
The remaining players are:
@LyceeFruit PE,
@ChebyshevII PE,
@NikR_PE, and
The final vote was:
@ChebyshevII PE (lycee)
@chart94 (Nik, MP)
@MadamPirate PE (Duran, doth)
@NikR_PE (chebs)
(super spooky ghost vote ~~~x1
@tj_PE (

Randomizer results (this thing...did not like MP; I did like ten more rounds after this/switching the name input to make sure/reload and MP lost the next six in a row, before it begrudgingly gave it to chart, followed by three more MP rounds)