EB Mafia

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@JayKay PE I'm voting for @DuranDuran

OT: anyone know how to embedd a countdown clock into a forum post. I want to put a countdown to meltdown clock in the WTTS.

I'm thinking 3:01 EST on Dec 14th.
There are sites where you can create a countdown clock and it will automatically generate the HTML for easy embed on a website. But I don't think the board do HTML, so .... no I don't know.

"We should have never played with fate," @RBHeadge PE wheezed from @vhab49_PE's arms, the huge slash across the chest bandaged sloppily by @tj_PE (who was a thief and not a medic).  "It---it wasn't worth it."

"So.  You're telling me this development was built over a giant fault line, and that during demolition activities-"

"It was a great mistake!  We should have never gone further!"  @RBHeadge PE abruptly sprang forward, gnarled fingers pointed at the window accusingly, "IT TOOK ADVANTAGE OF OUR QUEST FOR KNOWLEDGE!  AND-AND-AND"  They collapsed into @vhab49_PE's lap with a stuttered breath and pawed helplessly at the growing crimson against the fabric, eyes helplessly crossing the ceiling surface.

@tj_PE swallowed back the insult they wanted to fling, desperate to find out what was lurking in the shadows.  It was no longer about gaining wealth, now it seemed to just be able getting out of here alive.  "You knew something was under the fissure, frozen, as you said, but you and your crew needed to find it."

"We should have left it.  There was a reason..."

"And that your group...you said you were funded to find whatever was in this fissure."

@RBHeadge PE took a shaky breath, "We were hoping to find fossils.  Maybe a skeleton.  It made sense to buy the land and allow them to build so nobody would notice the excavation, timed perfectly with a plate shift," they explained, "Our greatest hope was to find a complete specimens.  Preserved.  So we could s-s-study it."

"What...what did you find?"  @vhab49_PE asked.

"It was so cold below, in the hole."

@vhab49_PE gripped @RBHeadge PE's shoulders, "What did you find?"

"The cold...the cold.  Preserved..."  @RBHeadge PE let out a juddery breath and the two watching waited a few moments, which dragged by so slow, before another breath entered the damaged body that was barely hanging on.

"Preserved it.  But now it's free to roam the earth again."

@RBHeadge PE was killed by the townies (I guess?  Is the creature a townie?).  @RBHeadge PE was mafia (or I guess horribly misunderstood archeologist? We'll find out next time on 'jk still has no idea where they're going with this'.) 

The remaining players are:

@Dothracki@MadamPirate PE@LyceeFruit PE@ChebyshevII PE@Roarbark@chart94@NikR_PE, and @DuranDuran

The final vote was:

x5 @RBHeadge PE (Duran, Doth, Roar, Chart, MP)

x2 @DuranDuran (lycee, RBH)

"We should have never played with fate," @RBHeadge PE wheezed from @vhab49_PE's arms, the huge slash across the chest bandaged sloppily by @tj_PE (who was a thief and not a medic).  "It---it wasn't worth it."

"So.  You're telling me this development was built over a giant fault line, and that during demolition activities-"

"It was a great mistake!  We should have never gone further!"  @RBHeadge PE abruptly sprang forward, gnarled fingers pointed at the window accusingly, "IT TOOK ADVANTAGE OF OUR QUEST FOR KNOWLEDGE!  AND-AND-AND"  They collapsed into @vhab49_PE's lap with a stuttered breath and pawed helplessly at the growing crimson against the fabric, eyes helplessly crossing the ceiling surface.

@tj_PE swallowed back the insult they wanted to fling, desperate to find out what was lurking in the shadows.  It was no longer about gaining wealth, now it seemed to just be able getting out of here alive.  "You knew something was under the fissure, frozen, as you said, but you and your crew needed to find it."

"We should have left it.  There was a reason..."

"And that your group...you said you were funded to find whatever was in this fissure."

@RBHeadge PE took a shaky breath, "We were hoping to find fossils.  Maybe a skeleton.  It made sense to buy the land and allow them to build so nobody would notice the excavation, timed perfectly with a plate shift," they explained, "Our greatest hope was to find a complete specimens.  Preserved.  So we could s-s-study it."

"What...what did you find?"  @vhab49_PE asked.

"It was so cold below, in the hole."

@vhab49_PE gripped @RBHeadge PE's shoulders, "What did you find?"

"The cold...the cold.  Preserved..."  @RBHeadge PE let out a juddery breath and the two watching waited a few moments, which dragged by so slow, before another breath entered the damaged body that was barely hanging on.

"Preserved it.  But now it's free to roam the earth again."

@RBHeadge PE was killed by the townies (I guess?  Is the creature a townie?).  @RBHeadge PE was mafia (or I guess horribly misunderstood archeologist? We'll find out next time on 'jk still has no idea where they're going with this'.) 

The remaining players are:

@Dothracki@MadamPirate PE@LyceeFruit PE@ChebyshevII PE@Roarbark@chart94@NikR_PE, and @DuranDuran

The final vote was:

x5 @RBHeadge PE (Duran, Doth, Roar, Chart, MP)

x2 @DuranDuran (lycee, RBH)
