EB Mafia

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I dint kill you.

sorry for this being late.  work...is imploding


While @vhab49_PE was potentially getting killed by whatever they found, @tj_PE was hitting the lottery.  In their hands was what they had been hoping for.  Besides the various jewelry that had been carelessly left on the dresser, they easily found the false back of the ancient computer desk, which was so out of place in the super modern 2-story monstrosity.  Behind the false back?  Multiple banned stacks of high denomination bills.

They let out a shout of joy at the find, beginning to shove the bills into their duffle bag, pausing momentarily when a shout came from outside.  “@vhab49_PE, is that you?”  @tj_PE yelled out, concerned because @vhab49_PE should be here by now, they were right behind them when they left the van.  “@vhab49_PE?”  They tried again, hand slowing as it pulled the bills from the cubby.

With their head turned to the side, facing the door in case @vhab49_PE suddenly appeared, they only glanced back momentarily to make sure they were grabbing the 100s and not the 20s.  Also, they were wearing nitrile gloves to hide their prints, so at first, they didn’t feel anything.  When they took another peek, their hand stopped halfway to the duffle.

The bills were drenched in blood, the trail of droplets creating a splattered path on the fake plasterboard wood. @tj_PE's hand up to her forearm was rusty streaked from the bodily fluid drying.  Dropping the stack in their hand into the duffle with the others, because blood-soaked money was still money, they cautiously leaned forward so their face was closer to the opening.

Peering into the dark cavity, they grimaced at the strong metallic scent.  They couldn’t see anything where they were, so they fumbled with the flashlight from behind and shoved it forward.  Nothing.

But, after a moment…

A drip from up above.

A few seconds later.

Another drip.

@tj_PE took a deep breath, ignoring the reflect to gag at the copper tang coating their tongue, and pushed their head into the hole.

Rotating their neck so they could look up, and cursing at the drop of blood landing right at the corner of their mouth, they saw another body-crammed behind the computer desk.  Almost as if it had been stored their for hiding.  Or, based on the ragged tooth marks on the skull and ripped flesh of the shoulder, maybe it had been stored as a future snack.

A bang from behind made @tj_PE rip their face from the opening, heart beating a hundred miles a minute, as they turned-Only to find an equally panting @vhab49_PE in the doorway.

“We need to get out of here,” they both said in unison.

@rebecca1 was killed by the mafia.

The remaining players are:

@RBHeadge PE@Dothracki@MadamPirate PE@LyceeFruit PE@ChebyshevII PE@Roarbark@chart94@NikR_PE, and @DuranDuran
