EB Mafia

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This is out of spite towards @jean15paul_PE

"life is crazy so I won't write much"   👻 👻 👻


"I'm just saying, it's weird," @vhab49_PE mumbled, pulling on the parking brake, but @tj_PE had already scrambled out the van and was striding towards the next dark-but brightly lit by holiday lighting-house.  Carefully ignoring the dent in the front bumper, and the bit of something that definitely wasn't flesh-they didn't want to think about it- @vhab49_PE more reluctantly followed behind.  "Why haven't we seen anyone?  How are these-gulp-bodies being killed?  Why are they being shoved in closets?

"Why am I all alone...?" They said quietly, realizing that @tj_PE had already entered the house, leaving them shivering on the snow covered lawn.  Except for the single pair of footsteps, which @vhab49_PE now realized they should really be using the sidewalk or walkways because only intruders would be tromping through the snow, the lawn was pristine.  The temperature had dropped from the morning, when the plan had been sprung into action, so a thick crust had formed over the surface.

Aware that they should be following their comrade and help with the safe cracking, @tj_PE was good with door locks but anything over a B-rating needed @vhab49_PE's expert touch, but they were pretty content to crunch some snow underfoot. 




The last crunch was not from @vhab49_PE.

They whirled in place, heart lodged in their throat, and swallowed down their scream at the pair of reflective eyes watching them from the bushes.  It wasn't a cat; the...height was monstrous.  It couldn't be a dog either, since the almost neon orange hue trained on them were too feline in shape and nature.  Another crunch snapped through the cold air and the eyes narrowed slightly as the creature attempted to approach on a diagonal, as if to avoid @vhab49_PE though they could easily take them down.

A shout of joy from the house made @vhab49_PE whip around, only realizing too late that this left their back exposed.  A harsh yelp as they completed the 360-turn was ripped from their lungs and echoed off the empty houses, but...there was nothing behind them.

No giant creature.

No unblinking eyes.


Ignoring the call of concern from @tj_PE, @vhab49_PE shakily walked over to where they saw the eyes.  They had to make sure what they saw was real.  They had to make sure they weren't just imagining the animal.  If this was what had killed those other two bodies...They had to know.

Behind the fairly large hydrangea bush, leaves bone-dry but still sticking to the branches, they saw the ripped up sod and turf and snow piled into a somewhat oblong circular shape.  Below the bermed edge was various shredded scraps of cloth, fur, and bones.  Bones that were too big to be a racoons.  Or a cats.  Or a dogs.  

Bones that looked too similar to a medical textbooks to be anything other than human. 

Half-buried under the edge of snow pile, as if preserved, an unidentified body was exposed.  The skull had already been cracked open but the thin wisps of steam highlighted the fact that though this person was dead, it hadn't been for long.  @vhab49_PE backed up out of the nesting area before they could too closely look at the pooling blood that was rapidly coagulating in the cold, but which was flowing quickly enough from the body that it was creating a snowy slush halo.

They swallowed thickly against the dread when, further from the nest, they saw a set of pawprints leading to the van.  @vhab49_PE scurried towards the house, where at least they knew @tj_PE was.  Safety in numbers might be more important than ever.

@SaltySteve was killed by the townies.  @SaltySteve was a normal (rich) person.

The remaining players are:

@RBHeadge PE@Dothracki@rebecca1@MadamPirate PE@LyceeFruit PE@ChebyshevII PE@Roarbark@chart94@NikR_PE, and @DuranDuran

The final vote was:

x1 Our Kind and Benevolent Leaders, NCEES (Duran)

x1 @Dothracki (beccabun)

x2 @SaltySteve (lycee, chart)

x1 @rebecca1 (doth)

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