EB Mafia

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1) Why do you keep posting that video?

2) You barely got your vote in on time
My EB is acting really funky right now (Same error messages that @DuranDuran has been posting). Forcibly logged me off and keeps trying to tack that video onto each new post I make. Yells an error at me when I try to edit posts as well.

Edit: FFS. I literally saw the vid on the post, clicked delete, it went away, and it still appeared in the post. 

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"Rum doesn't run itself @RBHeadge PE" sneered Captain @JayKay PE. "We're getting picked off one by one by the Navy. It's only a matter of time before they destroy us all. We need to find the traitors!

"Maybe there's something in the pirate code of ethics that can help?" @RBHeadge PE volunteered.


By a vote of 3-2 the pirate council voted to send @CUniverse to:


The council split up the treasure of The 14er equally among themselves. 

@CUniverse was a regular pirate. 

I will post the (probable) finale midday tomorrow.


"Rum doesn't run itself @RBHeadge PE" sneered Captain @JayKay PE. "We're getting picked off one by one by the Navy. It's only a matter of time before they destroy us all. We need to find the traitors!

"Maybe there's something in the pirate code of ethics that can help?" @RBHeadge PE volunteered.


By a vote of 3-2 the pirate council voted to send @CUniverse to:

The council split up the treasure of The 14er equally among themselves. 

@CUniverse was a regular pirate. 

I will post the (probable) finale midday tomorrow.
This round sucks!

Sorry for a bad first game newbie

Time: 3 hours after the lynch

Int. Hospital Ship Relief - Bridge Deck - Night

Int. Pirate Cove - Cave Entrance - Dawn

@JayKay PE: Where is Captain @rebecca1 and why is her ship on fire?

@RBHeadge PE

@vhab49_PE : There's a huge bonfire on the beach too!

Int. Pirate Cove - Beach - Dawn

Captain @vhab49_PE (Torchwood) runs out to the fire and confronts Captain @LyceeFruit PE ( 荔枝) and asks her: WTF?!

@LyceeFruit PE:

A look of realization and despair falls on @vhab49_PE's face. She reaches for her sword, but @LyceeFruit PE pulls her pistol and dispatches the pirate threat.

Int. La Mega Hombre - Bridge Deck - Morning

Pan out - @MadamPirate PE and her faster and more maneruverable Le Mots Croisés has launched a premptive strike on the naval armada.

Int. La Mega Hombre - Main Deck - Morning

Captain @ChebyshevII PE maintains his composure and begins the counterattack.

Int. Ocean - Various Ships- Day

The forces of His Majesties Navy and the Privateers battle the Pirates

Captains @jean15paul_PE and @ChebyshevII PE move The Enigma and La Mega Hombre maneuver their ships to flank the largest ship in the Pirate fleet: the Animal of the Alamo.

Sending it and Captain @txjennah PE to the ocean floor.

Int. Ocean - Le Mots Croisés - Night

The battle rages into the night. @MadamPirate PE and her crew hold off as long as they can. They sink six navy corvettes over the course of the day. But eventually succumb to overwhelming numbers.

Int. The ʻīlio Hihiu - Bridge Deck - Day

Captain @Roarbark takes a bite of an apple and decides that its time to finally finish the pirate threat and collect their bounty.

Privateers Win.

Privateers (Mafia): @jean15paul_PE@ChebyshevII PE@LyceeFruit PE@Roarbark

Inquisitor (Cop): @NikR_PE

Reinforcements (Doctor): @rebecca1

Great game everyone!  I know we were up against one of the most veteran group of privateers anyone could muster, but dang it's a shame we couldn't nab just one of them!

I hate this round ended so quick.  Great writing @RBHeadge PE and gifs!

Side note:  LMAO at @LyceeFruit PE killing @vhab49_PE gif.  Would have even been more perfect if she killed Audi (I think he used to claim to be Han Solo).

Last note:  Welcome new players!  Thanks for playing and I hope you had fun your first round.  We need more 15+ player rounds like this so hopefully you'll keep playing!

Time: 3 hours after the lynch

Int. Hospital Ship Relief - Bridge Deck - Night

Int. Pirate Cove - Cave Entrance - Dawn

@JayKay PE: Where is Captain @rebecca1 and why is her ship on fire?

@RBHeadge PE

@vhab49_PE : There's a huge bonfire on the beach too!

Int. Pirate Cove - Beach - Dawn

Captain @vhab49_PE (Torchwood) runs out to the fire and confronts Captain @LyceeFruit PE ( 荔枝) and asks her: WTF?!

@LyceeFruit PE:

A look of realization and despair falls on @vhab49_PE's face. She reaches for her sword, but @LyceeFruit PE pulls her pistol and dispatches the pirate threat.

Int. La Mega Hombre - Bridge Deck - Morning

Pan out - @MadamPirate PE and her faster and more maneruverable Le Mots Croisés has launched a premptive strike on the naval armada.

Int. La Mega Hombre - Main Deck - Morning

Captain @ChebyshevII PE maintains his composure and begins the counterattack.

Int. Ocean - Various Ships- Day

The forces of His Majesties Navy and the Privateers battle the Pirates

Captains @jean15paul_PE and @ChebyshevII PE move The Enigma and La Mega Hombre maneuver their ships to flank the largest ship in the Pirate fleet: the Animal of the Alamo.

Sending it and Captain @txjennah PE to the ocean floor.

Int. Ocean - Le Mots Croisés - Night

The battle rages into the night. @MadamPirate PE and her crew hold off as long as they can. They sink six navy corvettes over the course of the day. But eventually succumb to overwhelming numbers.

Int. The ʻīlio Hihiu - Bridge Deck - Day

Captain @Roarbark takes a bite of an apple and decides that its time to finally finish the pirate threat and collect their bounty.

Privateers Win.

Privateers (Mafia): @jean15paul_PE@ChebyshevII PE@LyceeFruit PE@Roarbark

Inquisitor (Cop): @NikR_PE

Reinforcements (Doctor): @rebecca1
Just bad luck (or timing) as cop. Got JP as non regular on day 1. Cleared TJ on day 2 to form a townie (pirate) bloc. She got dedded that night. Day 3 chebs came back as non regular. Got killed that night.

Now i am just an irate pirate.

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Time: 3 hours after the lynch

Int. Hospital Ship Relief - Bridge Deck - Night

Int. Pirate Cove - Cave Entrance - Dawn

@JayKay PE: Where is Captain @rebecca1 and why is her ship on fire?

@RBHeadge PE

@vhab49_PE : There's a huge bonfire on the beach too!

Int. Pirate Cove - Beach - Dawn

Captain @vhab49_PE (Torchwood) runs out to the fire and confronts Captain @LyceeFruit PE ( 荔枝) and asks her: WTF?!

@LyceeFruit PE:

A look of realization and despair falls on @vhab49_PE's face. She reaches for her sword, but @LyceeFruit PE pulls her pistol and dispatches the pirate threat.

Int. La Mega Hombre - Bridge Deck - Morning

Pan out - @MadamPirate PE and her faster and more maneruverable Le Mots Croisés has launched a premptive strike on the naval armada.

Int. La Mega Hombre - Main Deck - Morning

Captain @ChebyshevII PE maintains his composure and begins the counterattack.

Int. Ocean - Various Ships- Day

The forces of His Majesties Navy and the Privateers battle the Pirates

Captains @jean15paul_PE and @ChebyshevII PE move The Enigma and La Mega Hombre maneuver their ships to flank the largest ship in the Pirate fleet: the Animal of the Alamo.

Sending it and Captain @txjennah PE to the ocean floor.

Int. Ocean - Le Mots Croisés - Night

The battle rages into the night. @MadamPirate PE and her crew hold off as long as they can. They sink six navy corvettes over the course of the day. But eventually succumb to overwhelming numbers.

Int. The ʻīlio Hihiu - Bridge Deck - Day

Captain @Roarbark takes a bite of an apple and decides that its time to finally finish the pirate threat and collect their bounty.

Privateers Win.

Privateers (Mafia): @jean15paul_PE@ChebyshevII PE@LyceeFruit PE@Roarbark

Inquisitor (Cop): @NikR_PE

Reinforcements (Doctor): @rebecca1
Thanks for modding RB. Loved all the gifs

Programming Notes:

At the beginning I wasn't sure if I should have done 3 or 4 mafia this game. In retrospect, it should have been three.

The roles were all RNG. When I saw who came up mafia, I figured it would either be over in four days. Either because the town swept or the mafia swept.

In fact the town or spectators had it all figured out by day three. @rebecca1 correctly divined that @LyceeFruit PE was mafia. @JayKay PE correctly pegged @Roarbark@NikR_PE investigated @jean15paul_PE and @ChebyshevII PE, his only townie find was @tj_PE. For their part, the mafia nightkilled the right players when they had to.

Depending on if/when @rebecca1 was killed her ship would have either been "The Rabbit" (nightkill mid-game), or "Hospital Ship Relief" lynch/eog. 

If the town lynched a mafia, they would have found the privateer charter papers on their body.

If the town lynched the doctor, I would have made it as embarrassing as possible.

If the doctor made a save, the victim's ship would have been on the verge of sinking and their captain knocked out. and an unidentified pirate ship would have come out of the fog-of-war blast the navy ships, and slink off before the captain wakes.

When I was first planning the game, I was thinking of phoning it in and copy/pasting the deaths of real world pirates. I decided against it because: 1) they repeat... A LOT 2) they were kind of gruesome and I try not to do that in my stories. If you have been paying attention, this is the first game I've run in a year where I said that a PC or NPC died. So instead I decided to be lazy and rip comical gifs. This strategy probably took longer than just writing a story.

I had a few other story lines planned too. I was really hoping the game would go on another few days so I could play them out.

Programming Notes:

At the beginning I wasn't sure if I should have done 3 or 4 mafia this game. In retrospect, it should have been three.

The roles were all RNG. When I saw who came up mafia, I figured it would either be over in four days. Either because the town swept or the mafia swept.

In fact the town or spectators had it all figured out by day three. @rebecca1 correctly divined that @LyceeFruit PE was mafia. @JayKay PE correctly pegged @Roarbark@NikR_PE investigated @jean15paul_PE and @ChebyshevII PE, his only townie find was @tj_PE. For their part, the mafia nightkilled the right players when they had to.

Depending on if/when @rebecca1 was killed her ship would have either been "The Rabbit" (nightkill mid-game), or "Hospital Ship Relief" lynch/eog. 

If the town lynched a mafia, they would have found the privateer charter papers on their body.

If the town lynched the doctor, I would have made it as embarrassing as possible.

If the doctor made a save, the victim's ship would have been on the verge of sinking and their captain knocked out. and an unidentified pirate ship would have come out of the fog-of-war blast the navy ships, and slink off before the captain wakes.

When I was first planning the game, I was thinking of phoning it in and copy/pasting the deaths of real world pirates. I decided against it because: 1) they repeat... A LOT 2) they were kind of gruesome and I try not to do that in my stories. If you have been paying attention, this is the first game I've run in a year where I said that a PC or NPC died. So instead I decided to be lazy and rip comical gifs. This strategy probably took longer than just writing a story.

I had a few other story lines planned too. I was really hoping the game would go on another few days so I could play them out.
Great combo with the writing and gifs!  I really enjoyed it, being a fan of the POC franchise (and I still haven't seen them all since my wife isn't a fan lol).  

Curious as to who decided to nk kill me first and reason?  I feel flattered though 😁

Also I was never invited to any PM group after being nightkilled, but that's ok.  I was pretty busy.  

I would NOT have wanted to have been a cop this round, not with 4 privateers lurking!  This was a tough round for the cop/doctor.  It sounds like everyone was on the right rail, just couldn't generate the votes.

I'm open to another Pirate themed mafia round in the future.  I want revenge! lol

Programming Notes:

At the beginning I wasn't sure if I should have done 3 or 4 mafia this game. In retrospect, it should have been three.

The roles were all RNG. When I saw who came up mafia, I figured it would either be over in four days. Either because the town swept or the mafia swept.

In fact the town or spectators had it all figured out by day three. @rebecca1 correctly divined that @LyceeFruit PE was mafia. @JayKay PE correctly pegged @Roarbark@NikR_PE investigated @jean15paul_PE and @ChebyshevII PE, his only townie find was @tj_PE. For their part, the mafia nightkilled the right players when they had to.

Depending on if/when @rebecca1 was killed her ship would have either been "The Rabbit" (nightkill mid-game), or "Hospital Ship Relief" lynch/eog. 

If the town lynched a mafia, they would have found the privateer charter papers on their body.

If the town lynched the doctor, I would have made it as embarrassing as possible.

If the doctor made a save, the victim's ship would have been on the verge of sinking and their captain knocked out. and an unidentified pirate ship would have come out of the fog-of-war blast the navy ships, and slink off before the captain wakes.

When I was first planning the game, I was thinking of phoning it in and copy/pasting the deaths of real world pirates. I decided against it because: 1) they repeat... A LOT 2) they were kind of gruesome and I try not to do that in my stories. If you have been paying attention, this is the first game I've run in a year where I said that a PC or NPC died. So instead I decided to be lazy and rip comical gifs. This strategy probably took longer than just writing a story.

I had a few other story lines planned too. I was really hoping the game would go on another few days so I could play them out.
Definitely would be down for another pirate themed round, the story telling and gifs were phenom. 

And @LyceeFruit PE had an excellent strategy of having a bad day to get me to lay off. 

Definitely would be down for another pirate themed round, the story telling and gifs were phenom. 

And @LyceeFruit PE had an excellent strategy of having a bad day to get me to lay off. 
There's always stuff like that going on, and @LyceeFruit PE genuinely was having a bad day.  That's what makes the game fun.  You never know who is really distracted IRL or not lol.  You'll hear things like:

"I'm starting a new job."

"I'm looking for a new job."

"I'm studying for the PE."

"I'm driving cross-country to meet my gf and I have no cell service."

"There's a hurricane in Nebraska and my internet didn't come back on until 5 mins after voting ended, even though I've been on EB Hangouts for the past 3 hours."

I actually kind of felt bad for the new players, this round didn't seem like much fun. It's rare for a game to go like this.

Usually things are pretty balanced and we get into a lot of vote analysis, but you can't really get into that until you identify at least one mafia, usually by dumb luck.

@RBHeadge PE gifs made a frustrating round a lot more fun.

Regarding how we decided who to nightkill. There's wasn't a lot of analysis to it. Just dumb luck.

  • @ChebyshevII PE suggested @DuranDuran on night 1. No reason provided.
  • @Roarbark suggested @tj_PE on night 2. No reason provided. Everyone else forgot to vote because it was election night.
  • @jean15paul_PE (me) suggested @NikR_PE on night 3. No reason, I just was trying to think about what townies tend to figure me out.
  • @jean15paul_PE (me) suggested @rebecca1 on night 4. I chose them because they are new and the doctor often focuses on saving players that are viewed as highly skilled, therefore valuable to the town. So I figured @rebecca1 had a low probability of being saved by the doctor. Turns out they were the doc.
    (Didn't know if you had a preferred pronoun @rebecca1. No obligation to give an answer)

Honestly, this week ended up being tough for a lot of reasons - I thought Mafia would distract me, and it didn't really.

Though I'm willing to mod next game. Who's in?
I'm in next for next round.  I got in a ton of studying this past week, despite taking a couple of hours to watch election results.  Creating/editing the mafia spreadsheet doesn't take much time at all.  I watched election results from 7-9pm Tuesday night and that was enough for me.  Not to get political, but I've since spent the rest of any discussion trying to convince my in-law Trump supporters that it's over, but they just like to argue, so I stopped texting about it with them.
