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It can even save your route and upload it later if you (like I do sometimes) forget to turn on your data but lose wifi during your run.
By "save your route", I do not mean that it saves a map of your route. It will simply save that you biked X number of miles, so your donation will not disappear.

It's Winter Bike to Work Day here in Colorado!

I'm reading 7 degrees and we had a nice freezing rain/sleet/freezing fog event yesterday, so I'll be thinking about work on my stationary bike...

only kind of cycle that would fit in my cube...even then it would questionable


I have a friend who lives in Fairbanks, AK. He is a year-round bike commuter, and has the most badass bike tires on his bike that he rides literally through the winter. Seriously, he's posted photos of biking to work at -44­­° F. I think he's insane... But he did grow up in northern Maine, so he has the cold in his blood.

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You can get mountain bike tires with spikes in them, but I'm more of a "skinny tire" rider. I have a mountain bike, and ride it on single track a few times a year, but my road bike (seen to the left) gets way more use.

I've just got a road bike, and the shoulder on US 40 down Mt. Vernon Canyon is less than a foot wide.  I'll ride that when dry, but i'm just not as badass as CSB in this weather.

I have a friend who lives in Fairbanks, AK. He is a year-round bike commuter, and has the most badass bike tires on his bike that he rides literally through the winter. Seriously, he's posted photos of biking to work at -44­­° F. I think he's insane... But he did grow up in northern Maine, so he has the cold in his blood.
I, too, am from The County originally. 

I'm thinking about switching over to clip-ins this winter. The main reason is that realistically, the only people faster than me on the main drag of my commute are the courier dudes who bike for work, the people with clip-ins, and the freaking annoying people on the electric bikes (when they actually know how to use them). Does anyone have any info on clip-in shoes designed for women?

go search the eb link to amazon and you'll find plenty for women.  The mountain bike style you can actually walk in once you get near your destination.  You'll power up those hills with the clip in!

Back when I used to ride a lot, I never bothered with clip-ins for my commute.  It's a pain to have to deal with a second pair of shoes, and getting to/from work isn't really a race for me!  It was more comfort and not getting run over.

On the other hand, I had the luxury of having separate commute and "fun" bikes.  If you use one bike for both you're kind of stuck with clip-ins or not.

In any case I'd suggest going to a local bike shop first and try some on before you go the online route.

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You can walk in mountain bike type shoes, keep regular shoes at the office.  Leggo wants to dominate the bike path Mudpuppy!

Your LBS (local bike shop) will set you up with the shoes and pedals and install them for you.  

Think of the motion of scraping mud off your shoes to engage the hamstrings.  I rocketed by a couple of 20 somethings on my after work ride yesterday, it felt awesome! 

Thanks, all!

I don't really use my bike for fun things. I don't typically go on long rides on weekends or after work, because I ride on the order of 60 miles a week as it is already. I definitely see commuters around these parts wearing clip-ins, which I think makes sense for hills and for distance.

I totally don't mind keeping a separate pair of shoes at work. I already bike in and wear the same pair of shoes that I typically never wear at home or anywhere else.

I will do some research in the coming weeks and report back!

I agree with going to your LBS to see what works for you. Then try nashbar.com for better deals.

I went to one of the LBS's the other day... The guy I talked to was NOT the right guy to help me out with my research into clip-in's! His opinion was basically that everyone in this city already bikes too fast. Um, heck no!

At least I got my proper size of Giro shoe, so I can go ahead and order some online. The fiancé has a strong opinion about the pedals I should get, and might get me the pedals + shoes for my upcoming birthday.

Once I get them, I'll have to get over my fear of falling over on my bike! Haha.

I have reason to believe my pedals and shoes are on order.

Woohoo, it's gonna be fun falling over while learning to use them!

Knock on wood, I've never fallen with my clip-ins, so hopefully you won't either.  Good luck!
