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I'd assume he'd be on the short list.

But I think it will go in this order.

1. Al Golden (played/coached at PSU)

2. Greg Schiano (GA/coach at PSU)

3. Tom Bradley (33 yrs at PSU)

4. Urban Meyer

Although, of those 4, my pick would be:

1. Al Golden

2. Urban Meyer

3. Greg Schiano

4. Tom Bradley

Can't really see OSU,Stanford, or Boise state staying within 14 points of either LSU or Bama to be honest. Watch what LSU does to UGA if they get to the sec championship... For all those who think Boise state beating the Norte dame of the sec means much...

But the team with the best chance is Oklahoma, I don't think any other team will put up much of a fight...

But... That's why they play the games......
I can't see LSU's offense staying within 14 points of OSU Cowboy's either!!!
I guess it's a good thing Iowa State isn't on our schedule either! :p

I think a LSU / Bama rematch for the national championship might help get rid of the BcS.

It's going to be hard for them not to be #2.

They are undefeated in regulation ;)

Note : I don't want to see it, except for the purpose of bringing down the computers!

Yeah, it's going to be tough to not see the rematch. However, even if that were to happen, the BCS would still be around. It'd just be modified to make intra-conference games include a multiplier.

I just got to thinking about this... what'll happen if Arkansas beats LSU this week? LSU beat Alabama. Alabama beat Arkansas. Arkansas beat LSU...

Is this what happens when you divide by zero?

an undefeated Boise State that beat a good TCU team, then yes, I'd agree giving them a shot. since they lost to TCU, they should be ranked about 15th.

Oklahoma is now outta the picture as well.

Will get interesting


how about this scenario...

Arkansas beats LSU this week. Arkansas goes to SEC championship, and loses to Georgia.

Georgia will be SEC champ, the same Georgia that lost to........ wait for it........

Boise State.

Who should play for the title?


(I think Boise sux and am no way saying they should, but just pointing out the potential irony that may happen)

Obviously, if that happens, I don't think Georgia should play. They would have two quality wins all season with that schedule. An OK win vs. Auburn, and the SEC champ game. (which I think they will get slaughtered in)

It looks as if Big10 Championship will be either Mich. State vs. Wisconsin/Penn State. that match up will not result in a contender.

Pac-15 may produce an argument if Stanford runs the table from this point, but it will be an argument by default, since Oklahoma lost 2 games now.

Alabama will end up winning the National Championship this year.

This is another perfect season to expose the BCS. But i still like the BCS better than the old bowl set-up for 20 years ago. Where we couldn't even begin to get decent match-ups.

I'm praying for one more Ohio State loss to Michigan. A .500 season will send Fuckell, and hopefully that useless sack of crap Tressel had to haul around known as Jim Bollman, headed for the hills.


how about this scenario...

Arkansas beats LSU this week. Arkansas goes to SEC championship, and loses to Georgia.

Georgia will be SEC champ, the same Georgia that lost to........ wait for it........

Boise State.

Who should play for the title?


(I think Boise sux and am no way saying they should, but just pointing out the potential irony that may happen)

Looks like my team is headed to the Big 10 Title game. . . wonder who they'll play: Penn State or Wisconsin? I'm hoping it will be the Badgers just so we can get back at them for last year.

obviously, I'm hoping its the LIONS !!!!



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