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Absolutely! But be sure to do it on a secondary monitor like a flat screen TV or projector. The higher resolution the better!

Should I go back outside and shovel again?

Yes of course, lots of hardcore porn is encouraged.

I took last week off from work. Should I bother to go in tomorrow?

Nah. Call in and tell them you'll be back to work after New Year's. 2016.

My wife wants my advice for losing weight. What should I tell her?

Tell her she looks better when she's fat.

I can't sleep, what should I do to cure the insomnia?

Beer. Drink lots of beer.

What should I cook for dinner tonight?

Tell your wife it is her job.

What color should I paint the front hallway?

Blood red.

Should I help my daughter with her homework?

Yes, do it all for her, and finish it off with a note to the teacher complaining that it was too easy, and when the hell are they going to start teaching her multivariable calculus?

One of my junior engineers is getting stressed out because he feels like he has too many projects. How can I put his mind at ease and get him to get his work done?

Treat him like the jr engineer that he is: have him pick up your lunch, coffee and dry cleaning.

I under estimated my project by $1,000,000. How do I get out of this?

Blame it on the local jr engineer.

Should I be nice to people today?

No. Why start now.

Since I have an oil leak in my car, should I add more oil today?

No, you should wait until you hear grinding noises coming from the engine.

Is it ok if my daughter misses a day of school to go skiing?

It's shouldn't be a problem, she'll just end up being a jr engineer for the rest of her life...

Do you think it will be a problem if I spend the afternoon playing cellphone games while at work?

No problem as long as you bill the client for those hours.

I forgot my lunch at home. What should I do?

Grab something from the fridge. The name on it is so you know who to send the thank you card to.

Do I keep Bee or trade it in on a 2015 Camaro?

Stay the night and sleep on the boss's desk and use his filing cabinet as a urinal.

It's gonna be cold tomorrow. What should I wear?

Speedo or thong, your choice.

I'm hungry, what's a good snack.

If stuck in the office, I would recommend a few spoon fulls of sugar and creamer from the coffee room. Follow it up with some instant coffee crystals, if you feel like it. You can kill two birds that way - snack and coffee break.

The spare tire on my vehicle won't hold air, because the rim is rusted and needs to be machined, which is going to cost me money and precious time. What should I do?
