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Start coming to work in your bathrobe and mumble about your gun collection.

What size television should I get for the living room if the media room already has a big screen?

Time to upstage the media room with this (IMAX screen):


Ignore any delivery and/or installation costs.

What should I have installed on the back patio to replace a decaying wooden stoop?

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Think green. A stoop made of recycled cardboard ought to do the trick.

What should I get for lunch today?

Raid the office fridge. Ignore any labels, just take what you want.

What should be a good place to start researching on how I can gain weight?

A bacon double cheeseburger.

My wife is taking my son to the movies this weekend, so I will be home alone. What should I do?

Hookers and blow. Wait that was supposed to be a bad idea...

I feel like I am always trying to "fix" something irritating on my car (squeeks, rattles, clunks). Do I just trade the car in or keep it?

Leave a "present" on your bosses desk and go home.

I make too much money, what should I buy?

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Ask vtme for tips to pass the PE

It's my wife's birthday. How do I get out of dinner plans to go drinking?

Clean her plate first.

Should I take the Christmas lights down today?

Yes especially if you're getting hit with the ice storm...make sure to use an aluminum ladder and leave it set up outside for at least 3 hours prior to starting.

Now that I know a super good tip for passing the PE should I stop studying and start partying?

Yes, party to your heart's content. When you take the exam, mark 10 As, 10 Bs, 10 Cs, and 10 Ds in whatever order you like. That will surely work.

Should I share MY stupid tip for passing?

No, wait until your wife needs to talk about something that she thinks is important.

How should I go about disposing of my Christmas tree?

Leaving it where it is, use a match.

Should I study all day today?

Studying is for suckers.

Should I bet my entire salary on the Browns to win it all next season?
