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buy every combination of numbers.

If I quit my job, how should I pay my bills.

PM me, I'll give you my wife's number.

What should I contribute at my 9:00 meeting?

An HSD on the table always emphasizes whatever point you need to make.

Coffee is getting cold. What should I do with it?

Dump it on the receptionists desk and yell at her for making inferior coffee.

Possible job opportunity in SoCal, should I take it?

Yes. But don't pressure them for a COL adjustment or bump in pay - that just seems needy. Make sure the van you'll be living in has a fresh coat of wax on it, too!

Back itches, but no backscratcher handy. What do do?!

Show up in person and throw a good old-fashioned temper tantrum.

Have heartburn - what to do?


What should I make for dinner?

Bacon. There is no joking about that.

The contractor has earned a HSD, but I don't have anything "on deck". How should I proceed?

Braid it & add highlights.

Looking to take a short 3-day weekend vacation with the family. Suggestions?

Bunny Ranch.

I'm going to be home alone this weekend. What should I do besides study.

Start drinking heavily...


How do I get out of a fee for adding an infant to our flight itinerary?

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Duct tape said infant to yourself for the duration of the trip.

Where should we go for a last minute vacation before school starts?

The airport. I hear TSA will be tackling some guy with a baby duct taped to his chest.

Really hot in the office. What to do?

Hookers & Blow with extra Bacon! Tour the docks after midnight too while running all out, port security loves the extra workout.

Just got a cold call from another engineering firm wanting to discuss options / potential employment that I applied to last year and never heard from. Haven't heard the best things about this company from others in the industry after taking the current position. However, their office is less than 3 miles from home. Should I bother?
