That's also not a great sign for their chance of passing.There were a shocking number of people who didn't sit in the right place. I mean, your damn name is taped to the table. It's not that hard.
I haven't been following the SE conversion schedule closely, but IIRC they kept slipping the year for a little while.Ha, thanks for the side note! Last time I checked (maybe a year or two ago??) the plan was for the S.E. to go CBT in either 2024 or 2025. I imagine that might have been extended because of Covid, but have no research to back that up.
COVID actually accelerated the conversion for the PE exams. Most were accelerated a year. Only the SE stayed the same with a tentative date of 2024.
Necessity is the mother of invention. The uneven and unpredictable lockdowns really incentivized going to CBT sooner than later. There was probably a mixture of need to move faster and the realization that they already had the technological capability to do it. The diminished ability to travel probably helped too. Previously all the meetings were done in person. It meant a couple dozen people from around the county had to coordinate their schedules and travel to the same place. Once they figured out that they could work securely online then they didn't have to deal with the scheduling, logistics, and inconvenience of travel . Without travel days, it would be easier to find volunteers and a workable date to get work done too.