April 2021 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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I'm glad you declined! Eff that. Life is too short. I get a lot of validation from my work and it's important to me, but my off-time and my family is equally as important.
Yeah, I mean, I might have the occasional 50+ hour week, but it is def not the norm where I work, unless you WANT to work that much.
Well I slept horribly. I guess the end is nigh.
I normally have no problems with sleep - but Tuesday night I slept absolutely horrendously, and then the date thing happened on myNCEES.. I was sure I was going to be crushed that day, but nope. I resigned this week at some point yesterday and feel fairly calm going in to the weekend.
I'm in structural also. Somehow I lucked out and found an awesome company. Very small, but not stressful at all (yet). I guess that could change the more responsibilities they give me, but I have been here for 2.5 years and can count on one hand the number of times I've had to stay late to finish a job.

I remember going through the interview process with this company and 3 others at the time before I moved and one company said a typical work week is 50 hrs....I straight up declined and told them I don't want to work that much, i have a life and he told me that all companies are working at least 50 hrs/week and if they tell you otherwise they're lying....Took another companies offer and I feel like I hit the jackpot. Not stressful, they're so laid back, family oriented.
I’m glad you found a job that respects your work/life balance! That’s so valuable these days given how overworked we are as engineers. I kind of wish I had your job haha

Last week for the first time in my life, I clocked in an 80-hour workweek. A personal record and the longest (worst) one of my career :(
I’m glad you found a job that respects your work/life balance! That’s so valuable these days given how overworked we are as engineers. I kind of wish I had your job haha

Last week for the first time in my life, I clocked in an 80-hour workweek. A personal record and the longest (worst) one of my career :(
80 hrs?! wow
In lighter news, I've got $5 USD on results being released next Thursday the 27th of May! I'm not a statistician, but safe to say, the over/under is probably anywhere between 1 day to never :p
ayyy i got a beer riding on results before memorial day. Cheap bastard said it has to be a miller lite though.
I'm in structural....are you saying not all engineering jobs are stressful?! I just assume most are haha
Nuke here. My current job is completely stress free. I work a standard 40 hr week. Okay, technically I work a 5-4-9 AWS schedule, but it averages out to 40hr/wk). And it's a flexible self-decided schedule. OT is infrequent and paid.

OTOH, my last job was over 60+hr/wk. Mandatory work hours, OT was unpaid. I was constantly stressed and had a chronic ulcer for over a year. I once had a three week period where I worked 18 hr days for three weeks straight.

I don't work in commercial power either. The guys I know who work in NPPs have long hours.
Nuke here. My current job is completely stress free. I work a standard 40 hr week. Okay, technically I work a 5-4-9 AWS schedule, but it averages out to 40hr/wk). And it's a flexible self-decided schedule. OT is infrequent and paid.

OTOH, my last job was over 60+hr/wk. Mandatory work hours, OT was unpaid. I was constantly stressed and had a chronic ulcer for over a year. I once had a three week period where I worked 18 hr days for three weeks straight.

I don't work in commercial power either. The guys I know who work in NPPs have long hours.
Sidetrack from the exam... I am 99% convinced I want to switch from civil into nuke in some capacity. I am planning on getting into a master's program in the next 6 months. I live reasonably close to Idaho Falls and am leaning towards maybe more of a research-oriented role, as I'm thoroughly bored with status quo things that have a defined process and outcome (i.e. all of civil engineering).
Either that, or I find some magical goldilocks job that somehow combines civil/geological/nuclear.

I do know I want to get away from consulting before all of my hair is white, and that time is fast approaching. Thoughts on if that needle in a haystack job exists?
Either that, or I find some magical goldilocks job that somehow combines civil/geological/nuclear. Thoughts on if that needle in a haystack job exists?
Very common at the national labs. Someone with background in nuclear and geology or civil/geological will have an easy time finding a job. Waste disposition a big part of the field and 25% of nukes will work on the back end of the fuel cycle at some point in their career.

EM "owns" about a third of INL and their jobs are never done. If you can get and keep a clearance then you'll be set for life.

You can do research at INL too, civil background and MS Nuclear is more than sufficient to do work there. You'd probably need more than that at the NNSA labs though. One thing to bear in mind is that any research work you do there will never get "built". It's a lot of paper studies that end up on a shelf.

I'll PM with more info later.
My friend this morning: I thought you got your results yesterday
Me: Huh. What. Where did you hear this? Did I get results yesterday?! *freaking out*
Also me: checks engineer boards before checking email or NCEES.
Also me: nope no results.

LOL She freaked me out!! omg....I almost had a heart attack guys. ugh. I'm predicting results Tuesday morning.