Is that a guess or are you operating of something concrete?Let’s get this bread! First results will be out before 1 pm ET.
Is that a guess or are you operating of something concrete?Let’s get this bread! First results will be out before 1 pm ET.
Yes! Results will likely be posted today! But in states such as IL we won't see anything until days after the results get posted at different times to NCEES depending on where you took the test?
I don't think they make much money off of the SE. Not many people take it, roughly 300 per administration. It's probably why we are the red headed step child of the NCEES grading shenanigans. I apologize to all red headed step children for the figure of speech, it's not my fault you are what you are.LetsSE said:You never know. They might want to release the results next week. They do not care much how do we feel and only care how much more money that they can make for the next round of SE exam.
The results last cycle were released a week and a half after the grading conference. Which would be next Tuesday/Wednesday for this cycle. Hope they come out soon tho! I know how hard waiting can be! Good luck everyoneLetsSE said:You never know. They might want to release the results next week. They do not care much how do we feel and only care how much more money that they can make for the next round of SE exam, which is directly related to their salary raises.
I got the message from the board - But VT has made errors before. Let me look into it BUT it could mean results are out!!!What is this?