April 2019 SE Results Thread

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For re-taker, if you calculate the date of results released to the actual date of exam, I am getting about 4 months plus/minus a week. Last December it was released on the 11th so for the April exam I had 4 months minus a week to study, whereas if we find out results tomorrow or Monday, there’s actually more time for October. 

And of course this would only seem fair if we are just talking about one component. I passed lateral last October and having 4 months to study for vertical seemed plenty of time for me. 

Study more doesn’t always mean it’s a positive thing. At least for me, I couldn’t remember the stuff I studied the first month and had to refresh almost everything when it comes to crunch time. It’s just my two cents.
'Not Study More' but if you have a longer time frame, you can fit it better with your lifestyle. I think if I were to retake, 100 to 150 hours max is the range that I consider sufficient to sit for the lateral only.

I think the duration can be shorter if the exam comes earlier (e.g. April 2019 takers)

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FYI, for anyone who is interested, going back the last 8 SE exams 100% of the time the results are released to the respective State Boards on either a Thursday, Friday or Monday. For the April exam it’s been as follows:

April ‘18 - Thursday 06/14

April ‘17 - Friday 06/09

April ‘16 - Friday 06/10

April ‘15 - Thursday 06/11

Stands to reason that based on a pretty darn consistent performance history we should be getting results back today or tomorrow. 
So if we do not hear by tomorrow, NCCES will set a record. lol

FYI, for anyone who is interested, going back the last 8 SE exams 100% of the time the results are released to the respective State Boards on either a Thursday, Friday or Monday. For the April exam it’s been as follows:

April ‘18 - Thursday 06/14

April ‘17 - Friday 06/09

April ‘16 - Friday 06/10

April ‘15 - Thursday 06/11

Stands to reason that based on a pretty darn consistent performance history we should be getting results back today or tomorrow. 
but we tested SO.DAMN.EARLY. this cycle. i still mad!

Of course they prefer we all fail. They have a monopoly on the licensure exam and they make money when people register for the exam and buy their practice tests, etc. We should be thankful they don't charge $5,000 to take the exam.

edit - ok so maybe not all of us, they need a certain amount to pass (probably around the 30% range where they have it), else more people would call them out for foul play. They also have to sell their practice exams so if no one ever passed then they wouldnt be able to claim their practice exams were worth anything.
Wonder if NCCES publishes the revenue by various exams.. would be interested to see heist from SEs. I am sure its big pot.

is there a formal venue where we can vent out our frustration of the process? like a formal complaint or anything of the sort?

I also forgot to mention that last December before I got the notification email from NCEES, say an hour or so, I was getting spam emails from review course vendors. Perhaps they find out before us when exactly NCEES pushes that release button ? Hmmmm

I also forgot to mention that last December before I got the notification email from NCEES, say an hour or so, I was getting spam emails from review course vendors. Perhaps they find out before us when exactly NCEES pushes that release button ? Hmmmm
I think it's almost down to a science. It's the Friday after grading or the Monday after that. The only thing that threw me off with this administration is the fact grading was started on a Thursday rather than a Saturday. I'd be glad to eat crow, but I don't see it happening.

I agree this is too long for everyone to wait for the results.  I think that's why NCEES has targeted 2024 for a computer based SE exam.  If you can wait that long then might be the best option.  Otherwise, just try to not think about it and before you know the NCEES email will be in your inbox.  Fingers crossed that you all passed!

is there a formal venue where we can vent out our frustration of the process? like a formal complaint or anything of the sort?
I'm organizing a road trip to Seneca, South Carolina if you're game. We swing through ATL and pick up FutureSE so he can provide entertainment on the way there.  

I agree this is too long for everyone to wait for the results.  I think that's why NCEES has targeted 2024 for a computer based SE exam.  If you can wait that long then might be the best option.  Otherwise, just try to not think about it and before you know the NCEES email will be in your inbox.  Fingers crossed that you all passed!
I'm actually waiting for the 2028 version where the "SE certification module" is implanted directly into my cerebellum by AI enhanced surgeons. My sources tell me the surgery should be less painful than what we're experiencing now.

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Hopefully the results come in by Friday. At this day and age, I am surprised that NCEES does not have a set target date for exam release. You plan for it and make it happen - publish a date. 8 to 10 weeks ..really?  I probably checked my email / logged in to MyNCEES at least 30 times the last two weeks. I hope I am not alone in this.

On a side note, I have a love/hate relationship with this group forum. Love to hear from similar minded folks. Hate the number of times I find myself logging in to check what others have to say. But, all this comes to an end - On Friday?
Alright.  I'm done.  This is no way to live my life.  I'll check website again in a month.  Results are generally released to the licensing boards 14-16 weeks after the exam.

I was thinking results will be out by June 10... No?

Edit: Just asked Ashlei, she says the SE grading workshop is June 7-8.  So results should be out June 14 I would think.
Just saying two months ago I called it being tomorrow. Time to double down and say it'll be between 3pm and 4pm eastern time that the first results are released.

Just saying two months ago I called it being tomorrow. Time to double down and say it'll be between 3pm and 4pm eastern time that the first results are released.
I really believe something should start happening tomorrow..... God bless

Just saying two months ago I called it being tomorrow. Time to double down and say it'll be between 3pm and 4pm eastern time that the first results are released.
Hmmmm....You sure you are not a secret agent from NCEES spying in this forum? Did NCEES pay you with passing grade in SE? I am contemplating you are the REAL Ashlei...🤔

Hmmmm....You sure you are not a secret agent from NCEES spying in this forum? Did NCEES pay you with passing grade in SE? I am contemplating you are the REAL Ashlei...🤔
James Purcell may or may not be my uncle....

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I'm actually waiting for the 2028 version where the "SE certification module" is implanted directly into my cerebellum by AI enhanced surgeons. My sources tell me the surgery should be less painful than what we're experiencing now.
I hear you. I've met a lot of folks in Atlanta that would need a suppository "SE certification module" though. Practically the entire building department has their head firmly implanted in ass.

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