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nice -

well gilbert gotfried or whoever this dbag is can only try to not turn the ball over no more

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yeah, give the midget (saban) his title trophy - he's due to jump ship from Tuscaloosa pretty soon anyways

it's so frustrating.

gilbert led his team to a high school football championship. this isn't high school, but he does have the ability to be a good quarterback.

how will that work? will gilbert playing in the 2009 championship game count as one year, against his four year eligibility?

Was he red shirted this season?

Is this game part of the 2009 season or 2010? I recall a few years ago some players got suspended for the next season before the bowl games started and they were not allowed to play in the bowl game since it was "next season" but I don't really know...

i don't think he was red shirted. in fact, i thought i saw him in a few plays when colt was taken out during one of texas' big wins.

colt was red shirted when vince young was the quarterback, and colt was able to play the four years.

i guess this answers my question... it'll count one against his four years.

EDIT: TOUCHDOWN BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Texas is showing signs of life. TD and onsides kick. I have a feeling that Bama won't give up two TDs in a row.

On side kick? He kicked into the Alabama guy right in between the numbers.

And the next play? Pass interference on Shipley, but wasn't called. And the next play, pass interference on Texas number 9... and wasn't called again.

C'mon! where are the flags $%^&*!

EDIT: TOUCHDOWN BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT2: 2-POINT CONVERSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wow - 2 pages of posts while I was away? That's extremely unusual for EB evening activity.

It's the Texas game. Lots to talk (or cry) about.

EDIT: I am so sad. Leaving now to drown in my sorrow. :bawling:

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Texas was outscored in the Texas vs. Alabama BCS championship game.

Ok, one more post for the road.

It just doesn't seem very exciting to me here in the middle of the day, at work.

Cheer up. If it's the middle of the day, then the day is almost over. Ours is yet to begin. I bet the weather out there is nice. It's freezing cold here.

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