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Wow - I have been gone awhile. I am not even going to try to go back thru 38 pages of this thread. Anyone have a synopsis? :D

It's freezing cold here.
Rudy - we have 6" of snow on the ground and will probably get another 6" - 12" over the course of the next few days!

I really like it - even if I have to spend time shoveling my car out.

Now, Mrs. JR, she's not as much of a fan. She typically looks like Ralphey's little brother in a christmas story squeaking behind her parka, scarf, and several layers of clothing. She continues to exclaim that it is a good thing she is in love otherwise she would be heading back to Florida.

I told her Florida is actually just as cold these days ... :Locolaugh: :Locolaugh:


The winter here has been mild up until now - it is finally starting to kick in. I see the extended weather forcast is for snow ... and more snow!

I just wish it wouldn't stay so gloomy for so long. That really seems to be the worst of it. Well, of course, there is the black ice as well ...


The meteorologist/climate researcher I know from Univ. of Guam told us in his most recent lecture that recent, reputable research has indicated that previous ice ages started rather suddenly - over the space of just a few years. One bad winter is all it takes.... So he says. (he's sort of a doubter when it comes to the global warming scare - he doesn't doubt that the climate is changing, he just doubts that anyone knows what it means for us, or what is going to happen x years from now, or that man has anything to do with it.)

Wind chill here this morning is 5 degrees !! That's unheard of in these parts. I bet a lot of folks woke up to frozen pipes today.

Man, imagine all the snowboarding I could do if we were in an ice age! I can't wait!

Lawyers, guns and money. That's a song, ain't it?
Yeah, Warren Zevon. I might have posted it back on 12/23.

I still think lawyers are scum, but living out here as an expat (sort of), and getting to know a lot of lawyers, I have come to realize that there are various kinds of lawyers, and some are OK.
Pretty much all of them except the trial lawyers and divorce attourneys are OK.

No snow last night...

Alabama could win without Ingram...
That is just unfair for the kid. He is a heck of a player and Defense Coordinators have to plan schemes just because of him. I am sure Bama fans do not want to find if your statement is true or false. Of course, it is easier to say something like that when he is running thru the gut and gaining 11 years per carry. Anyone can do it...right? Think again.

On side kick? He kicked into the Alabama guy right in between the numbers.
And the next play? Pass interference on Shipley, but wasn't called. And the next play, pass interference on Texas number 9... and wasn't called again.

C'mon! where are the flags $%^&*!

EDIT: TOUCHDOWN BABY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EDIT2: 2-POINT CONVERSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel your pain Rudy. I have been in your side more than once. I followed Florida's season this year just because I admire Tim Tebow. Remember the game in Atlanta and how exciting it was until he was intercepted by Arenas in the End Zone. Not a good feeling.

Being honest with you Rudy, this was Alabama's game to loose. They were the superior team. I told the same to my son for the SEC game. At least Texas made it all the way to the final game.

Good Morning all!!! The snow event in central NC was the same as always....NO SNOW!

I was wondering how much money the local meteorologists cost the taxpayers by predicting all this snow, have the trucks start to "treat" the roads, and have everyone on stand-by only to have nothing happen.....over and over again.

Alabama could win without Ingram...
That is just unfair for the kid. He is a heck of a player and Defense Coordinators have to plan schemes just because of him. I am sure Bama fans do not want to find if your statement is true or false. Of course, it is easier to say something like that when he is running thru the gut and gaining 11 years per carry. Anyone can do it...right? Think again.
Uh, the WERE without Ingram for much of the 2nd quarter when they scored 24 points because he was having severe hamstring cramps. There's no doubt that Ingram is an impact player, and he contributes greatly to the team. But McElroy is a hell of a quarterback, they have a stable of great receivers, and the back up RBs (Richardson and Upchurch) are better than most teams' starters. Alabama was the complete package, but Texas was relying on one man to win this game.

Friday morning :plusone:

Christmas is over. Time to get back to work.

There's still some holiday stuff left to go on our (read that: my wife's) calendar but it will be other people entertaining us.

I got an inch and a half this morning. Nice fluffly stuff. No icing on the windshield.

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