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Awwww...little bitter, are we?
I'm just kidding wil. You know I don't follow football. It used to drive the other people in the office crazy when they'd all come in talking about "the big game" over the weekend and I'd say "what game?" :D But I think Ole Miss grads are supposed to pretend they don't like Alabama.

Awwww...little bitter, are we?
I'm just kidding wil. You know I don't follow football. It used to drive the other people in the office crazy when they'd all come in talking about "the big game" over the weekend and I'd say "what game?" :D But I think Ole Miss grads are supposed to pretend they don't like Alabama.

I thought Ole Miss grads weren't supposed to like Miss. State.

I got an inch and a half this morning.
Oh my ... that whole cold/shrinkage got to you eh?! :brick:

Nice fluffly stuff. No icing on the windshield.
It was funny watching people on the drive to work this morning - they were driving really, really slow. If I have learned one thing in life it is this: when in Rome, do as the Romans! It took me 30 mins to drive to work on a commute that usually takes no longer than 10 mins!


I fell asleep during the game last night at the half. Maybe they'll replay it on FSS. My daughter was up screaming for 2 hours Wednesday night so I was rather tired. Good news is she only screamed for 30 minutes last night.

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