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NOt really - if you don't pay a lawyer, they confiscate your other property - through the courts that they run. If you don't like the rules, you must protest them through the courts - which they run. If you want the rules changed, you must ask Congress, which is composed of many lawyers (a majority?), or at the very least, doesn't make a move without legal advice .... from lawyers.


*speedbag triplets*

Need a little Walt Kowalski help do ya?

[Gran Torino]

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Need a little Walt Kowalski help do ya?[Gran Torino]
I don't want some old man to die to send these guys to jail. I want these guys to die a horrible death so they stop trying to break into my house.
The 30-06 I mention in the air-rifle thread:

I can hit a pie plate standing off-hand consistantly at 150 yards. Not sure if this info is worthwhile, just sayin...

College football is gone for several months after tomorrow... The world returns to normal on Saturday (NFL playoffs)

Man it is COLD here. At least that snow they were talking about never materialized.

I always wondered who used D batteries. Now I know...everything for mini-snick runs on D batteries. Need to run to sams this weekend to get a bulk pack.

I always wondered who used D batteries. Now I know...everything for mini-snick runs on D batteries. Need to run to sams this weekend to get a bulk pack.
Your "manipulator" doesn't? A former girlfriend told me that hers was the only thing she had that took D batteries.


I'm soooooo sad. It's horrible.

EDIT: I would so gladly trade my 'top of the page' to get Colt back. Cooolllllltttttttt!!!!!!!!! :(

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