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you'll ruin your hands playing video games! PUNCH something! Do it - DO IT NOW!

One RFU session down, only took half an hour. Now I have to kill an hour until the night shift comes in at 6:00 and do it all over again.

No rat hunting yet ... too many family responsibilities and social things that last two nights. I'm still planning on it, but probably over the weekend (today's Friday already)

Urg! You two! Shoot something! Punch something!

just kidding, carry on



ok, I shot something, then punched something else. still feel the same

One RFU session down, only took half an hour. Now I have to kill an hour until the night shift comes in at 6:00 and do it all over again.

Does your lady friend make calls to the construction trailer?

Sadly I'm in the main office, so no. Even if I were in a trailer, she couldn't make it past security, which is pretty tight thanks to these dang environmentalists.

Come on you guys. All men have an intrisinic fascination with weapons. Even if they don't know it yet.

Without exception, all of my friends that I have talked to this week about shooting rats and buying an airgun want to come over and shoot the gun. Lawyers, engineers, doctors, teachers. Maybe not at a rat, but at something - cans, etc.

I still think lawyers are scum, but living out here as an expat (sort of), and getting to know a lot of lawyers, I have come to realize that there are various kinds of lawyers, and some are OK. The government attorneys - prosecutors and agency counsels and such - are generally pretty decent. They barely make more than I do, and they're generally out there trying to get the scum off the streets, or to promote the rule of law. Which you don't really appreciate until you live somewhere a little more third-worldy than the continental US.

Yeah, my beef is mostly with the frivilous lawsuit and shit-stain defense attorneys. I can understand the need for a decent defense (if you are in fact innocent), but there's something inherantly wrong with getting a scum-bag off because of a technicality.

^... or bankrupting the "loser" in a divorce case, etc. etc. - all the unethical billing practices. But hey, lawyers make the rules, so the rules always favor the lawyers.

THe only reason the lawyers make the rules is that the public at large is dumb and is willing to pay them whatever the laywer asks. As long as someone is willing to pay the prices lawyers set, they will not change anything.

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