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I want to hit something. This would be primarily for stress relief and channeling my anger into something that doesn't break when I hit it (costing me money in the process). The secondary benefit would be cardiovascular endurance.
Yup an 80lb heavy bag will do the trick (or 60lb, no idea how strappin' you are) - get some good gloves too (not speed bag gloves), they make such a more satisfying thump on a solidly landed punch.

I know this isn't new, and the story has probably been posted on this forum before, but I just read it again and it's as funny as ever so I thought I'd share.



The people in the office around me must think there is something terribly wrong with me as I try to stifle my laugh. I was crying from laughing so hard, people must think I'm having a really bad day.

I have to conduct two RFU sessions today, including one for night shift, and I'm losing my voice! Doh!

Yep, I'm thinking about the 80lb bag. When the wifey starts pissing me off I can just go out and hit some shit.
I prefer to play Grand Theft Auto. Any time my wife comes home from work and I'm playing that game, she knows I had a bad day, especially if all I'm doing is blowing shit up.

Yep, I'm thinking about the 80lb bag. When the wifey starts pissing me off I can just go out and hit some shit.
I prefer to play Grand Theft Auto. Any time my wife comes home from work and I'm playing that game, she knows I had a bad day, especially if all I'm doing is blowing shit up.

The problem for me is that my wife is the one causing my bad day. And I don't have a place in the house to get away from her and play GTA. Plus I don't have an XBox 360 and I beat GTA on the old one.

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