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All we got was rain. Thank goodness!
Its snowing right now in Huntsville...
I reckon we must be farther south than them.

Chance of light sleet in the morning. Rain during the day. Sleet likely and slight chance of light snow in the afternoon. Cloudy. Highs in the upper 30s. North winds 10 to 15 mph. The chance of precipitation near 100 percent.

I'm going to head to the office before the street freezes. No way I am hanging around this madhouse!

Chuck: What are these snow tires of which you speak?

Hmm: upon checking the radar I see frozen precip over Jackson. Maybe I'd better look outside! I wonder if hubby would let me borrow the Kubota ...

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If our PM does what he implied he's going to do, I'm going to throw an office party.

Hmm: upon checking the radar I see frozen precip over Jackson. Maybe I'd better look outside! I wonder if hubby would let me borrow the Kubota ...
Kubota?! There's only one orange tractor and the name starts with an "A"! :D

Kubotas scare me. They seem pretty high and narrow tracked. I wouldn't get on one even with a ROPS.
This one is interesting in that it's kind of small. So small that hubby could almost just stand up and let the tractor run out from under him. I like it because of it size. Plus it's a 4WD.

I grew up with Allis Chalmers tractors and New Holland hay equipment. The One-Sixty that I started driving at age 5 is stashed in my garage. I was hoping to use it to plow snow this Winter but the hydraulics failed when I tried to lift the blade I bought. That's what happens when you play with 40-year-old equipment.

I grew up with Allis Chalmers tractors and New Holland hay equipment. The One-Sixty that I started driving at age 5 is stashed in my garage. I was hoping to use it to plow snow this Winter but the hydraulics failed when I tried to lift the blade I bought. That's what happens when you play with 40-year-old equipment.

We used to have a very old AC (gas engine) loader that I rebuilt. Thing was free and it was worth what we paid for it. Every time we used it I had to spray starting fluid in it to get it to start. The compression on the thing was so bad that it probably had about 5 Hp. It could barely turn the hydraulic pump.

My dad has a Ford industrial (blue AND yellow) that has a three point hitch, PTO and lift. Mainly used for bush hogging and flail mowing, but he has a scrape blade, disc harrow, single plow and box dump for it. It is nice sized for what he does with it.

Kubotas are too tight for me. Same with those Eastern European things you see.

Why are there so many complaining about the snow? We've had snow on the roads for a couple of weeks now, the overnight low was -12 at my house, and there's no real indication the snow will be gone anytime soon.

Oh well, I guess that's what I get for living in a state that basically requires snow tires for 6 mos/yr.

I love snow. I wish I lived in a state where I could snowboard for half the year. East coast snow is horrible.

Big difference between ice and snow. I was surprised how easy real snow is to drive on.

Yeah, normally snow is not a problem. Unfortunately, it got just warm enough to make the roads a little slushy last night so consequently the highways were an ice skating rink this morning.

The big problem with driving in this weather is not so much the weather itself, but more of the idiots who don't know what the hell they're doing. There are 3 types of drivers encountered:

1-The ones that assume that because they have AWD/4WD they are invincible and attempt to drive the speed limit.

2-The seasoned guys who know how to take it slow, but can still keep moving (we need more of these)

3-The "white knuckled" idiots who set their cruise control at idle and crawl at a painfully slow pace.

What ends up happening usually is that the white-knuckled idiots clog up traffic so bad that nothing moves, then the invincible speed demons end up crashing because they're too busy dodging the slow guys, and end up collecting the seasoned guys who just happened to be waiting for the slow pokes to move. Meanwhile, the slowpokes manage to dodge everything and completely miss the fact that their stupidity caused the whole thing.

I can understand driving with caution, in fact I actually applaud it, but there becomes a point when people drive with too much caution and end up creating more problems than they were trying to avoid.

IF YOU'RE NOT COMFORTABLE DRIVING IN THE SNOW/ICE, STAY THE FUCK OFF OF THE ROADS!!!! Stay home and find a parking lot to practice if you need to learn how to drive (like when you got your learner's permit)


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Yeah, normally snow is not a problem. Unfortunately, it got just warm enough to make the roads a little slushy last night so consequently the highways were an ice skating rink this morning.
The big problem with driving in this weather is not so much the weather itself, but more of the idiots who don't know what the hell they're doing. There are 3 types of drivers encountered:

1-The ones that assume that because they have AWD/4WD they are invincible and attempt to drive the speed limit.

2-The seasoned guys who know how to take it slow, but can still keep moving (we need more of these)

3-The "white knuckled" idiots who set their cruise control at idle and crawl at a painfully slow pace.

What ends up happening usually is that the white-knuckled idiots clog up traffic so bad that nothing moves, then the invincible speed demons end up crashing because they're too busy dodging the slow guys, and end up collecting the seasoned guys who just happened to be waiting for the slow pokes to move. Meanwhile, the slowpokes manage to dodge everything and completely miss the fact that their stupidity caused the whole thing.

I can understand driving with caution, in fact I actually applaud it, but there becomes a point when people drive with too much caution and end up creating more problems than they were trying to avoid.

IF YOU'RE NOT COMFORTABLE DRIVING IN THE SNOW/ICE, STAY THE FUCK OFF OF THE ROADS!!!! Stay home and find a parking lot to practice if you need to learn how to drive (like when you got your learner's permit)

:appl: Well said. BTW, I classify as #2 most of the time, #1 some of the time.

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