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When I wrote the post about ground chuck I thought that the chuck was the rump. I was incorrect. The chuck is the shoulder, the round is the rump. I'm glad I could clear that up for everyone. Funny that all that PETA chick did was make me research butcher's cuts of meat so I'll know which part of the cow I like best.
Now, Chuck, it's not nice to call her names. IIRC from the picture in the paper, her name is Ashley.

Yeah, Ashley from Royal Oak! who despite being a PETA kook is very easy to look at sympathize w/ her plight

When I wrote the post about ground chuck I thought that the chuck was the rump. I was incorrect. The chuck is the shoulder, the round is the rump. I'm glad I could clear that up for everyone. Funny that all that PETA chick did was make me research butcher's cuts of meat so I'll know which part of the cow I like best.
Now, Chuck, it's not nice to call her names. IIRC from the picture in the paper, her name is Ashley.

I like Ashley's sirloin the best. :D

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WTF. One of the men in this office has been peeing in the floor of the bathroom.

how do you know its a "man". That's gender profiling.
Because I'm the only female in this office. Before we moved in last week, there were only men here.

Chuck: how would I know? There's no floor drain anyways.

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i wuz kiddin anyways - i prefer peeing on buildings, not in them - just how i roll

how many times a day (at work) does the avg person pee?

how many times a day (at work) does the avg person pee?
Good question. I'd guess twice at least. Females maybe more often. Coffee drinkers even more often than that.

Hart: I suspect it's the landlord, which is troublesome because he's such a sweet and nice guy. I'd hate to have to tell him his johnson is too short. :p

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