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I think I pee about 4 times a day average while I'm at work.

I'm a coffee drinker though.

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how many times a day (at work) does the avg person pee?
Good question. I'd guess twice at least. Females maybe more often. Coffee drinkers even more often than that.

Hart: I suspect it's the landlord, which is troublesome because he's such a sweet and nice guy. I'd hate to have to tell him his johnson is too short. :p
maybe he's got the dreaded Poner! (piss + boner)

how many times a day (at work) does the avg person pee?
Good question. I'd guess twice at least. Females maybe more often. Coffee drinkers even more often than that.

Hart: I suspect it's the landlord, which is troublesome because he's such a sweet and nice guy. I'd hate to have to tell him his johnson is too short. :p
Maybe you could suggest a new water saving "low boy " toilet to help him out.

Maybe you could suggest a new water saving "low boy " toilet to help him out.

Chuck I'm not sure which one it is. Maybe I should put that pic of Ashley on the wall behind it. Then the guys would all lean in a little closer to read what her sign says.

I prefer the trough with a drip system. They work so well at the stadiums.

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