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this is working for taking off those holiday pounds!

TOP :bananapowerslide:

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what i wanna know is why that chick goes all the way to SC to do that, when she's from Royal Oak MI! Stay close to home! Anyways, just another east side liberal kook, IMHO.

what i wanna know is why that chick goes all the way to SC to do that, when she's from Royal Oak MI! Stay close to home! Anyways, just another east side liberal kook, IMHO.
She looked pretty tan for being from Michigan.

She was there to see Chuck.
I'd like to think so, but I don't think she'd go for my diet.

When I wrote the post about ground chuck I thought that the chuck was the rump. I was incorrect. The chuck is the shoulder, the round is the rump. I'm glad I could clear that up for everyone. Funny that all that PETA chick did was make me research butcher's cuts of meat so I'll know which part of the cow I like best.

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