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I prefer the trough with a drip system. They work so well at the stadiums.

*pondering how that would work in a unisex bathroom*

I guess the females could put their backs against the wall and hover over the trough. It would essentially be a bidet/urinal. And I hate troughs. As I said earlier, give me a floor drain any day of the week.

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I prefer the trough with a drip system. They work so well at the stadiums.

*pondering how that would work in a unisex bathroom*

I guess the females could put their backs against the wall and hover over the trough. It would essentially be a bidet/urinal. And I hate troughs. As I said earlier, give me a floor drain any day of the week.
There's always the floor-drain trough. The FL of the trough is about 3 inches below the floor and it just slopes to one end...

To make it unisex, just make the trough a little wider in one spot (kinda like the end of a cul-de-sac) for the ladies. I guess you would also need a trash can on that end to accomodate the ladies' TP

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blah. shameless post. my goal is to have 1000 posts before this 5k thread is done.

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Apparently MIAF's daughter puked all over herself last night and continued to sleep in it. She informed mommy this morning (thankfully after I left work work) that there was mouth poop all over. Lovely.

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