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1st day back after a week or more off for most. Takes most of the day to get through the accumulated junk e-mail.

1st day back after a week or more off for most. Takes most of the day to get through the accumulated junk e-mail.
That's why I just do a blanket delete for any email received over the holidays. If it was important, they shouldn't have sent it on a holiday.

Good morning.... Second day of work in 2010 sucks just as bad as the first.... I really don't want to be here.

Oh well. Headed out to the airport for a brief design meeting with an applicant. They wanted to infiltrate all the roof water from a new Immigration building directly into the plume of a jet fuel spill, and to make it even worse, they wanted to enhance infiltration with two 50-foot injection wells. We told them "move it" and they want to talk... OK. We can start with the weather. And then move on to the subject of "no".

Good morning.... Second day of work in 2010 sucks just as bad as the first.... I really don't want to be here.
Oh well. Headed out to the airport for a brief design meeting with an applicant. They wanted to infiltrate all the roof water from a new Immigration building directly into the plume of a jet fuel spill, and to make it even worse, they wanted to enhance infiltration with two 50-foot injection wells. We told them "move it" and they want to talk... OK. We can start with the weather. And then move on to the subject of "no".
Isn't dilution a remediation tactic for the plume?

The solution to pollution is dilution. At least that's what the Chem E's used to say...

Good morning.... Second day of work in 2010 sucks just as bad as the first.... I really don't want to be here.
Oh well. Headed out to the airport for a brief design meeting with an applicant. They wanted to infiltrate all the roof water from a new Immigration building directly into the plume of a jet fuel spill, and to make it even worse, they wanted to enhance infiltration with two 50-foot injection wells. We told them "move it" and they want to talk... OK. We can start with the weather. And then move on to the subject of "no".
ur not a team player, are you?

I've always wanted to take my son to a game. I might try to pick up tickets to either a Nuggets or an Avalance game later this season.
totally worth the experience, can't wait until he is old enough to really understand what is going on, other than really cool flashing lights and pictures on the jumbotron and electronic ads around the stadium.

Don't they do 10 minutes of slow-motion instant replay anytime something interesting happens just like for any other sport?
never really watch it on the tv, but they did stop several times to review who threw the the first punch...nothing like watching a hockey fight over and over again. One of the fights included all 10 guys on the ice, first blood was drawn too.

never really watch it on the tv, but they did stop several times to review who threw the the first punch...nothing like watching a hockey fight over and over again. One of the fights included all 10 guys on the ice, first blood was drawn too.
There's an old joke:

I went to a boxing match and a hockey game broke out.

Back from the field. Found several workable alternate locations for the infiltration system, so everyone appears to be happy.

"Appears to be" - this has come back to bite be on many occasions.

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