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This thread moves too slow. I've been waiting 14 minutes for a ToP. Now it's going home time, and I'm leaving without getting my ToP. I'm ashamed of you people.


I've always wanted to take my son to a game. I might try to pick up tickets to either a Nuggets or an Avalance game later this season.

I recently learned something about Hockey....UNLIKE a nascar race, you can't just get up in the middle of the game to go take a leak! You HAVE to wait until there's a break! lol

Don't they do 10 minutes of slow-motion instant replay anytime something interesting happens just like for any other sport?

Y'all are not going to believe this but we had snow flurries here today.

I love this new office but I can see right now that it is going to be a bit noisy where I am sitting. *sigh*

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