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Wasn't the sewing machince invented when you were in high school?

I made a wonderful batch of pecan toffee on Tuesday. I wanted to make more and tried yesterday. It didn't turn out good. I tried again today and still didn't duplicate the wonderful fluke candy that I got in the first batch. Oh, well. I guess I need a candy thermometer.

Christmas has gone well so far. Buzzin' right now with a glass of wine, finally finished with building the massive Lego Technic Off-Roader for my son (4 hours!), and hooking up the new Wii for my daughter..... Time to relax!

Merry Christmas from the future!

Mary: Maybe it's been more humid since Tuesday?

Dleg: Four hours!! I don't remeber ever taking that long putting a Christmas toy together! It must be awesome.

Santa has just finished filling the stockings here.

All is still quiet here. Waiting for my son to wake up and see what Santa brought him.

Merry Christmas, Dleg. Sounds like you're having a good one.

Santa was good to me. A cordless drill, a really nice skillet and some books.

Socks and underwear too!

Gift card for Best Buy here. My kid made out like a bandit. 250-piece Tinker Toy set.

I just had a cup of hot apple cider and I'm ready to say goodnight to Christmas. It was a good day. Working on a project tomorrow, then going to see Avatar. Sunday, taking a day trip to see brothers and sisters. Monday, back to work. Arrgh.

I didn't get to bed until midnight, dealing with the kitchen aftermath. It was worth it though, everyone had a big ol' time. Mary you oughta try this cake recipe sometime. It is incredible.

We had some wassail with brandy in it. I'm glad we ran out of wassail because I would have gotten hammered otherwise. I still ended up getting drunk off of beer in the hot tub last night.

We're delaying our trip home for a day due to weather. My son is happy. An extra day with grandma is always welcome.

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