Sixty seven.Top 10 thus far:
ble31980 120
Fluvial 96
Chucktown PE 84
wilheldp_PE 66
matrix_PS 39
Capt Worley PE 39
Flyer_PE 34
roadwreck 22
FLBuff PE 22
Isn't it? That's the most fun I've had in a movie in many years. I saw it twice last week - first with some friends, and then with the family, after determining it wasn't too bad for the kids. Great stuff! I only wish I could have seen it in 3D...Went to see Avatar tonight. Incredible!
My parents saw it Christmas eve, over Christmas they wouldn't shut up about it. I rarely see movies in theaters so I really had no intention of seeing this one either, but my parents kept trying to convince me to go to it.Isn't it? That's the most fun I've had in a movie in many years. I saw it twice last week - first with some friends, and then with the family, after determining it wasn't too bad for the kids. Great stuff! I only wish I could have seen it in 3D...Went to see Avatar tonight. Incredible!
Back to work. Ugghhhh....
wife & i saw it a week ago today. Loved it! didn't see the 3d version either, 3 hrs is a long ass time to watch w/ crappy 3d specs on your nose, but this was good enuff, I kinda want to see it again in 3d.Isn't it? That's the most fun I've had in a movie in many years. I saw it twice last week - first with some friends, and then with the family, after determining it wasn't too bad for the kids. Great stuff! I only wish I could have seen it in 3D...Went to see Avatar tonight. Incredible!
Back to work. Ugghhhh....
Don't feel to bad, I haven't seen the "new 3D" technology either, but that's just because I don't go to see movies.I don't have the option here, and I haven't seen any movie in 3D since they came out with the "new 3D" technology. So I have no idea what it's like. I can only assume it's better than watching the old blue/red "3D" films?
this thread just went to a very weird place...It's amazing what those raccoons can do with their nutsacks. (I **** you not)