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hell, wilheld had the same thing in one of these *k threads (though was caused by someone else's double post as i recall) - and he won that one!

forecast is for freezing rain tonite & all day tomorrow, talk about :puke: weather - hopefully it won't destroy the base we have for a white christmas. Cripes, just give me snow any day over rain this time of year

I'm down South for the holiday and we're expecting another inch or two of rain here today changing to a snow mix tonight. Ick.

since Capt isnt here for lyrics fun...

They said there'd be snow at Chrismas,

they said there'd be peace on earth.

But instead it just kept on raining,

a veil of tears for the virgin birth

Merry Christmas Eve, folks! I'm working a half day here, so I don't have to use a vacation day. It's me and one of our senior field techs today.

A few die hards execs are still roaming the halls, and of course, my boss.

At least the annoying secretary that has been singing Christmas carols for the last three weeks took the day off!

Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

Actually, it is severe clear, but cold, here.

I'm researching a new laptop for work. I think I'm going to be the Windows 7 guinea pig for our company. What I'm struggling with now is whether to go with 32 or 64 bit. There are a couple of analysis programs I run that are memory hogs and it would be nice to have more than 4Mb available. I just need to make sure I don't lose the use of anything that matters.

I say go whole hog if it is work related, and you get to call the shots. Just think about the calcs from hell you had to do earlier this year.

I say go whole hog if it is work related, and you get to call the shots. Just think about the calcs from hell you had to do earlier this year.
I'm likely to be up to my eyeballs in those same calcs again in 2010. It was designed as a two part process and last Summer was part 1. Part 2 should come around in late Spring of this year. The good news is that I should be able to delete a bunch of stuff from the 35000 page monster. There is actually a rumor that they may have us break that beast down into the 5 or 6 separate calcs that it should be.

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